Thank you for the bug reports, I'll look into what could be causing those. The latest update added a reset lane option to the pause menu, so you don't need to back all the way out!
Modus Interactive
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Thank you for checking out Super 10 Pin!
This game has been in the works for a long time and I'm excited to finally let you all try it out! This is a demo, but also a beta so I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. Feel free to post a new topic in these message boards if you have any suggestions.
Thanks for playing and please wishlist on Steam!
Modus Interactive
Thank you! I tried to make the resolutions as high as I could while still having a relatively low render time (most of these took at least an hour).
I got Bryce 7 from Daz (before they went full NFT), they still sell it there but I totally understand not wanting to give them money. There's a Bryce 4 ISO on but it doesn't seem to have a serial.
That render is gorgeous, I'd love to have a render of mine used for something like that!
I would love to have Knight's Try as part of the bundle!
Its a track I made called Snowfall, you can listen to it on my Bandcamp!
This is so cool! I love out of bounds stuff like this and I think this is the first time someone has done it to one of my games! I didn't even know you could reach these places.
I had some plans for alternate endings that I scrapped for time, and one did involve the pool pit. The indent on the wall was always just for decoration. There was a waterfall in there originally, but I liked it better without.
I would like to expand on it some day, but I currently don't have any plans for it. Thanks for playing and I really enjoyed these OOB screenshots!
Spoilers below!
The solution is much simpler than you’re imagining! You simply need to type it out on that screen and it should trigger 😁 You are correct that this is the ending, and typing out “repent” will reset your progress allowing you to go back and replay the Respite portion.
Thank you for playing!!!