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A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback! But yeah it's the same for me, three roads and I get him. It's really hard to balance and it wouldn't make for a long lasting game, but I think it's enjoyable to figure it out, and for the short time everyone plays it in a game jam, I thing it's fun.

Can relate, had to play test it a lot, and this is exactly why I put "might be a rage game" in the description :) It's especially frustrating knowing that it is better then me, having programmed it...

Thanks for your feedback, I wish I had more time to balance the game a bit more like you suggested. I agree that the chaos of the original game is a bit missing in my version. Glad you still liked it!

Thank you :)

Thank you!
Yes I actually created the AI by myself. It was my first time programming something that actually outsmarts me sometimes, wich is definitely unsettling :)

So funny we had the exact same idea and the same  "creative" title :) Nice that you can switch the vehicles in your version!

I enjoyed the visual feedback for killing players, especially with the fists due to the screen shake, I felt really powerful and it was fun to play.

I modeled the assets all by my self in blender. They were not too complicated and now I can be proud that I did *everything* myself, but there are probably some assets out there that could have helped me. 

Thanks for your feedback!
16 is a pretty good score too! :)
Glad you had fun!

Thank you very much! I took a close look to some of the models and tried to recreate them as close as possible to achieve this nostalgic feeling I wanted, glad you enjoyed it!

I wasn't sure either so I researched it and it said somewhere that you can go backwards but the eagle will come after you after few tiles... which I didn't implement, but the AI shouldn't walk backwards too much so I think it works :)

Thank you for the feedback! Let's be real, it is neither easy, nor any sign of skill to get a good score at the game, and I've seen way worse scores then 50% so don't be too sad ;P

I was going to play your game, but sadly It is not available to play in the browser and I'm generally very careful with downloading stuff from the internet, then I saw your 250 ratings, and.. well I don't thing you really need my feedback anymore anyways ;P sorry!

(could be a good idea to include a web build in your game. Since you use Unity, as I saw on your YouTube video (pretty cool by the way), creating a webGL build is not too hard or any more stress. But it just removes the hassle and "scepticism" of people like me to download your game!  (You could also check out my devlog if it comes out any time soon... Moobits - YouTube) quick little self promotion lol))

Thank you so much for the feedback. If you have anything more to say we are more then pleased to hear it, and, (if we develop fakebook further) implement it. We are actually considering on expanding it in the future, there are no plans though yet. The idea of a story telling game definitely was't in our heads until now, but I could see the potential here, as a very… special way to tell a story… ;)

At the moment we are searching for ideas to "finish" or expand on the game, and every idea and piece of feedback is very much appreciated!

Great to hear that. I am really happy about this, because I think there are way to few "good" and actually fun games to play and learn something. 

Thanks for your feedback, glad you liked it. Probably thanks to m_dc and jumbshd, who did an amazing job at the ui and audio!

Definatly proud that we made you enjoy a quiz, and if you actually learned a thing or two; then thats all I need to go to bed happily ;P

Thank you so much for the great feedback!

The comments were added in the last few hours of developing, I'm really pleased with that feature, although it was a hassle to inplement; glad to hear that it was worth it!

It would be an honor if he would (play, not sue) ;P

Thanks for the feedback, we may change that in the feuture! 

To be honest, nobody of the team actually uses facebook, fun fact (actually true) the ui is inspired by the twitter ui, but don't tell anyone, they are going to sue us anyways :)

Thanks for the feedback!

We were thinking about how to expand on the idea, do you have any ideas or suggestions?

This is fake news

Whaaaaaaat? :)

Thank you, but who cares about the game concept, if you got a score of 69%   :)

Nice game, i found it to be really hard though. It looks awesome, and I like how the others say "banana" :)

I'm amazed of how much one person can achieve in one week...  ;)

The game looks awesome, but sadly I found the gameplay to be a little bit boring, and unclear. Awesome looking game though, keep the great artstyle!

Interesting game, sadly the machines did not work for me, my cursor just disappeared :(

it was fun though, Nice game :)

Awesome thumbnail! The game is really hard though. I was not able to complete it sadly, but I liked the audio and art. The colliders could be a little bit more forgiving, I never knew how I died. Cool looking game!

The animation of the player is very impressive! Cool game :)

I liked the artstyle, the best thing was that you could spam "fake" and get more points than you loose, I ended up with 89 points :)  I don't know how you would fix that (maybe a limit of how many you can get wrong), but overall good little game.

Best game I have played so far, loved the graphics, the SFX, the levels, the landscapes, it was sooo satisfying. i wish it had more levels, procedural generation bioms, cities, there is so much you can build on top of that, it is a solid base, please make an awesome game out of it. Absolutely love your lowpoly art style. (if I had one thing to say it was how it fit the theme. I did not see the connection to it but nevermind, it's awesome)

Thank you. We did want everyone to see all the posts (facts) to learn something, the game is obviously not very competetive, (as (not) shown in the trailer),  but I'm a fan of edutaining, and since you have to guess most of the facts, we didn't want to punish the player or even let them rage quit when loosing due to... bad luck. Thank you so much for the overall positive feedback. I am really happy to hear that you learned something (probably useless, but still) :)

Very nice little game, unfortunatly, I came across a few bugs, but overall a good looking, fun little game, I wish there was an ending. And more levels. :)

I'm sorry that you have problems with the build. May I ask, which browser do you use?

Because it seems to work for me and most other people.

Thank you for reporting that!

I liked it, it looks really good, I love the simplicity, but for me it was a little bit too easy, i did not really think about what to do next, I just moved when I could and changed colors if I was stuck, and that was enough to get trough the levels very fast.
Very nice!

Great to hear that the feedback helped, and you are developing this further (If you need any help for example gametesting or so i'd be in! :) )!

I think you could really go far with the things you can eat, not only things that make sense in a way, but even bigger houses, maybe vehicals (eating metal could be one of the things you need many bugs for), but its your choice how "real" you want to make the game, and if you want it to be at least slightly logical, you should prabably not read my suggestions :).

Same goes for the antagonists, i mean things like the cows obviously work well, but i thought about adding some "static enemies" like a river, with a brige where you would lose bugs (or whatever they are called :) ) falling into the river. or some really advanced enemies, like in slightly more populated areas maybe even something like a human with poison to spray. Or roads where vehicals drive on which smash you if they drive fast, but you could eat them when you have enough bugs. And to get some "speed" into the game, you could even make some kind of storm (thinking about Fortnite, where the the storm damages you and circles you and restricts the playingfield). Most of those ideas are probably completely stupid, but i was just writing down everything that came to my mind and you can see what you do with it :)

A complete other topic, i was thinking about the camera, and how i was during gameplay not sure where the map ends and where it goes further, i think the camera should zoom out when population grows, so you have a better understanding of the map as you grow.

I'm sorry for filling your notification box, but I just remembered a game called Zombie Tsunami (Zombie Tsunami - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (iOS, Android) - YouTube) and that one has a quite cool mechanic where you need a certain amount of zombies to destroy stuff, and i think when expanding your game, that would also be a cool thing to add and give for some more interesting gameplay, where you need to think about what to destroy next.  And things you can destoy could be very different to just crops i think!

I just played the game again and the chickens (sorry for calling them ducks :) ) basically ereased my population. :) 
I just thaught that you could even go as far as adding some more maps, like a slightly more populated area, or a (green <- would probably be cleaner with the same white basemap) area with cows or something like that, but if you keep it that simple and clean, i think i would still really enjoy the constant artstyle. As i played trough the second time I also missed some sound effects, but honestly, there is no way you gonna make a game with great sound effects in 10 hours! :) 
Are you considering to develop this game further?
(Also sorry for my english)

For me personally it was a little bit too slow, and the ducks where never attacking me, or harming me in any way, i guess the game would just profit under a bit more content on both the consumable- and the  "antagonist"-side of things.

This is such a good looking game, the simple artstyle fits the gameplay perfectly, and its quite satisfying to eat everything, i just love the artstyle so much, great job!

The game looks so good! Its a bit sad that you wount finish it properly,  I still had fun playing it!

It was first planed, that the player input was only when you click, not hold the button down. You will see he moves like in a "turnbased" game on a grid, and we decided really late in the jam, that it would be better not to click everytime you go, but you are totally right, both are not perfect soloutions. We were expecting "experienced" or "talented" players to use the holding method, and those who need their time can take it, and click just once per step. Thank you so much for the feedback though!