thank you! The enemies always run straitgh left to right, and random vertical position.
It is easy to beat it, try shooting with a tower to the same area and use the next tower in another area, so you cover the whole map.
thanks! Yes the positions are random between the 5 spots, enemies are random as well in each game.
Very entertaining!
Yeah! we left it simple to win and it just have one level, we were looking to add more levels but not enough time :)
Good work! I felt the projectiles from the arcane mage were deviated by something
Thanks! this is a very short version, we were planning to add different health to the enemies, other tower attacks, and of course more levels designs! Hoping to improve it in the near future!
Sure! waiting to talk soon! take rest!
I like your art style! would you like to get in touch for an idea I want to explore? add me in discord, mondixgames if you want
very lovely! simple but enjoyable
looking for a team
discord Mondix#4944