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Moneim Ali

A member registered Sep 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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Nice idea! Tickles the brain in a way :)
All the best, mates!

Glad you liked the artwork :) Yes, there are some improvements to be done. Will keep on working on it post-zanga.

Have a nice day :) !!!

Appreciate your kind words! Will definitely try your game :) all the best

Congratulations on your great work. I really enjoyed the game.

Choices and consequences were similar to what we can find in Undertale, which you have implemented nicely. 

I spent a good chunk of my time trying to kill that flame-throwing snail, when all I had to do was go back to the boat :( I honestly thought this was the boss battle!

Overall, I would definitely play a full version of this game! Well done.

P.S. Like the Pulp Fiction reference :P

Thank you for your comment!

The character doesn't suddenly die, it all depends on their courage meter. Some characters get spooked by ghosts even if they are far away, while others have to be too close to a ghost to die. In compromise, some characters can jump higher / run faster. 

Should have clarified that more in the game, my bad :)

I am also aware of the jumping issue. I left this bug for last, but never really tackled it due to lack of time. 

Glad you enjoyed it (to some extent, at least).

I have to agree with a lot of what you said, which is why I mentioned it can be so tempting. I also do prefer solo jamming. 

You mentioned learning, which is probably the most valuable reward out of any jam. While you do in fact learn a lot from facing challenges solo, you also can benefit greatly from your partner's experience. Not to mention that, should you decide to get into the game dev industry and work in a team, the lonewolf approach can only hinder your progress. 

All of that aside, I honestly only join jams for the sheer fun of having to produce a game in such little time, and the satisfaction of seeing a baby game see the light. I wouldn't want to spend any of that time arguing with my partner which idea is better. Come to think of it, I did argue with myself. 

Anyways, such a great game you have developed on your own! Congratulations.

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+1 @M7md Ark. 

It might be too tempting to go at it solo. But the reality is that Design, Art, Sound, and coding are all separate jobs that require some degree of attention in a game jam. Wearing four hats would most likely limit your creativity as it is too distracting.

Anyhoo, congratulations on your achievements everyone! GGWP

Thank you for your comment!

The idea was that you have a choice as to which character you want to play a level with. Each character's abilities will demand that you play the level in a different way. 

Unfortunately, I had to submit the game early as I had to go to work the next day (Sunday). I wasn't able to convey the idea, which is absolutely my fault. 

Glad you enjoyed it nevertheless!

Have a nice day,

Moneim Ali

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