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A member registered Apr 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game was really fun very simple and an original take on the theme

great game one suggestion you have a bit to much useless space in front of the level and if that is there it would be nice to have some more stuff over there Idk anyway great job.

The visuals were very impressive quiet a strange take on the theme great job

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ok Im going to need to find my windows computer to run this my mac is to old but yes I see what your trying to say and I would agree with this to but I found for my game were you are managing space speeding up the blocks would make it esier as the blocks would have less of a chance to get cluttered and stuck. I kind of wanted this game to be more of a puzzle game to an extent so instead I had sir steel increase his placing rate I should defininely made him place a lot slower initially and speed it up more drastically so the change is evident. But thank you so much I cant believe you made a demo for me to test on the issue I will surely check it out and tell you what I think.   Honestly I probobaly should have implemented this as to have the game reach a greater group of people and increasing fall speed while increasing the placement speed faster would be a much better and more noticeable way to implement progressive difficulty 

Thank you for the kind words 


Yeah sorry about that I should have thought to impliment that my bad

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It might be the fact that magnet man magnetized the VS sign in the title scene sir steel was not happy about that. (You can tell its magnetized becuase its yellow) about everything moving slow that was a decision I decided to make as to not make the game to easy sure one would be more reactive but would be harder to balance for.

yeah I guess I should have made it more clear

Yeah I expected as much anyway Great Job

It follows your mouse you click and hold and then move your mouse and it follows Sorry if that wasn't made clear

Yeah thats probobally my fault then sorry about that

Very intuitive the mechanic is great I really liked how well you used it in your level design great job

Thank you for the feedback

Yeah I was thinking about that but the main mechanic proved to be pretty difficult and required a lot of work. This is the first game I have ever drawn by myself and I wish I could have animated but I am not good enough at art to even start

thanks for the feedback the game itself has a few difficulty modes if your willing to try those out they werent significantly different from each other.

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Very polished game love it the mechanic is simple the issue I thought I would see is the fact that you would not have enough time to mine anything but the nice little quarys helped a lot but you need to make the progression take a bit less time it seemed I was at no immediate threat till I got pretty deep other than that great job.

Hello heres mine

This is insane I can't believe you made this in one day the ui feels so good it is very interactive the gameplay is very simple yet challenging. And you even gave a build mode. The only critique I really have is a steadier difficulty curve I feel like I was immediately challenged at level 2 although thats fine. I feel the first few levels should be easy enough where you can complete them with ease just to ease them into the mechanic. The first few levels looked easy enough but I would say for the first few levels increase the size of the goal.

Fantastic Game The graphics were spot on I loved what you did with the lighting. One thing the motivitation seemed to be lacking our character had no motives so playing felt kind of pointless other than that fantastic the picking up mechanic felt very nice. Great Job.

If you play my game and give me some feedback I will try my best to give your game some constructive criticism.

Great Game Graphics were great sound effects were nice and the fear you were trying to evoke the whole time was very nice. The only issue is the world itself felt kind of bare you just need to spice up that enviorment a bit. 

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Incredible game I feel like each character should be more significant each character should be tied to their specific quest and evoke some sort of personality or at least some proper motivation for this quest. This would help a lot as the world itself would feel more connected hence the player will be more immersed I just felt it was kind of saddening having some of the quests being tied to guards who are just boring and Emotionless. But yes anyway fantastic game I absolutely loved it great modeling the dialogue was a little buggy but mostly just fantastic job.  One more thing this may just be me but I ended up forgetting the input for switching states I think it would have made sense to have that be right click.

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For replaying just reload the webpage, Pretty happy about this game this is the first Game Jam game I am actually proud of well hope you enjoy it.

I tried my best this was quite a stressful run because this was the first time I had drawn at all but glad you liked the style 

yeah no kidding i am rather excited for what these new found artistic skills could mean for my upcoming games.

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Lol thanks for the support the timing for this  game jam couldn't have been worse but i'm glad you enjoyed it

it is I just randomly placed everything no complicated algorithm.

Thanks for the feedback

thats encouraging thanks a lot

Yeah thanks i'm starting to really get committed to this game dev stuff but sophomore year in high school kind of sucks.


Yeah I last minute decide to make it a web build. And most of the stuff was built for a standalone build.

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Ok heres my take Soundtrack fantastic loved it really fit the mood art style also fantastic but a little inconsistent. The only problem i had with this game is the levels. The progression of the levels felt too linear and just by seeing the pattern in your level design i could figure out what the next level would be like. What i would do is pretty much completely restart on each level as they all seemed to be using the same 3 platforms or at least to the point i got level 4. Cuz i suck at platformers. But I would mix up the level design and that would easily make your game a 9/10. Oh I just noticed the controllable character in the title screen very very nice. Final thought you should spread time across all aspects of the game Music and art seemed to get the most attention while level design seemed to be lacking.

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Thank you so much for this comment I was thinking of later making a reprised version but not as a platformer were your decisions in the book had a greater effect on the game more than just player,enemies and items. I was am going to achieve this feel by unbalancing the enemies so if you choose a book that say represents a dragon you will just straight up loose then you will remember for your next game lets not choose that one or use it in a context that is beneficial. Lastly I think I will make the selection for each section start before you enter that section so that you don't fill everything out at the beginning. Giving it more impact.

sorry bout that issue had to do with i had to remove some features for compatibility with a web build. Thank you for the kind works

Thanks for the kind words. Yeah it was kind of hard to get external audio files into this program.