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A member registered Mar 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry you're having issues with your dualshock! We have other players who use a dualshock and I haven't heard that issue, but maybe theirs don't have the adaptive triggers. I would try resetting the keybinds, and if you have any other controllers or wheels plugged in at the same time disconnect them.

Unfortunately when the game is purchased through a bundle Steam keys are not distributed. Over 800,000 people purchased that bundle which would be far too many steam keys for each game to hand out. 

I've seen the weapon thing happen to some players but have never run into it myself. I think it might have to do with how the game is performing on your computer. I'll see if I can fix it but it is hard to test when I can't replicate it myself unfortunately.

I haven't seen that intestinal cannon issue though, I can change the way it's set up maybe for next patch. You should be able to walk off and back on at least and hopefully it will work then. 

Thank you so much for your kind words! We're happy to hear you're having a good time with it.

The team is also planning some additional content patches, you can see more details here :

If you are playing through Itch then yes, you will have to redownload with each update. You can download the Itch Launcher though and then it should auto update your games! 

What resolution are you playing on? There is a Hud Scale setting that might help for the current build to make everything a bit more readable on a large resolution. 

We can consider adding some type of Stamina indicator near the player or cursor but we didn't want to clutter it with too much information. The pause between melee is just a cooldown used to prevent melee being the dominant form of damage, but I can considering buffing some of them since Stamina is already another resource that restricts spamming melee. 

Hey, sorry about that bug! We were aware of it yesterday and uploaded a fix already for it so hopefully Itch players won't run into that issue again. Make sure your build is on 3.01D and it it should be fine now!  

There is no multiplayer or co-op. We are a small indie team and unfortunately didn't have the resources to commit to a co-op mode. 

I'm not sure if gifts include the Steam key. Bundles definitely don't, but maybe the person who purchased the game for you has the ability to request a Steam key on the purchase page. If you are not able to do that we could DM you a left over key from our Itch redeem list. 

Hi there, thanks for playing the game! Could you check what version you are currently running? We’ve implemented traditional twin stick controls for controllers for some months now. 

If you don’t have the latest 3.0 version please give it an update and let us know if the issue persists.


Oops, I think it is just that one Foot mutation that is wrong since I updated it recently and forgot to change the faction. I will have it fixed for the next patch! 

I have not seen this happen before or heard it reported. Would you be able to take a screenshot of your genome the next time you notice a mismatching mutation? It'd be easier to tell then if something isn't working correctly.

The game won't be releasing on Mac with the Patch 3.0 release unfortunately, but perhaps in the future.

I see the bug in the log file that is causing it, we have already fixed it for Patch 3.0 but unfortunately it will be there in 2.93 until it is released. The bug should be caused by the seed your level is generating on though, so starting a New Game SHOULD regenerate the level and hopefully select a seed that doesn't have the bug. If you're getting that multiple times in a row when hitting New Game maybe it'd be best to wait until 3.0 releases to play though. 

Sorry you're running into this issue! Most of the save file or loading errors have been fixed over development but it sounds like you're running into a new one we haven't seen. Would you be able upload your log file for us to look at? It is located at the directory below. Make sure you link a log that was generated after the bug occurred as well. 


Yeah we've seen the Holoshield bug a few times now. I thought it might have gotten fixed in 2.93 but unfortunately now it has to wait for 3.0 to be fixed. If you run into the item again in the current patch I'd just skip it. As far as I know every other item in the game is working correctly! 

We tried a fix for the calendar issue with patch 2.93 but we aren't positive if it works. If you are able to try out the game again soon let us know if you still have the issue! 

The holoshield is definitely bugged in the last few builds and is what's causing the issue, we'll try to have it fixed for the 2.93 patch coming out soon! 

I'm not sure if it's fixed in 2.92, but we did figure out what the issue is and will be able to fix it. I'll post again when I am sure if it is fixed or not! 

Thanks a lot for featuring us! We’re glad you enjoyed the game 🙏🏼🙏🏼

The elevator allowing you to fall through is a glitch that happens usually when FPS is low I think. I haven't been able to replicate it myself but we've tried a few things to fix it before, obviously it isn't 100% fixed though if you're still getting it. We can try something to perhaps fix it for 2.92, if you fall through ideally it should at least reset you back near the elevator. 

We also have fixed the ending screen not working when being rebound for 2.92. Once the patch is released, space should always work as well as whatever you have rebound Dodge to. 

If you are using a mouse to dodge I'm guessing you rebound it from Space to your mouse? That should be allowed, but I think that is why it wasn't working for the ending. I would try whatever key you rebound, and we will make sure that it works with space either way in one of the future updates. 

Thanks for the report! I haven't heard of anyone else having issues proceeding through the ending but we'll try to replicate the bug and fix it if possible. Were you playing on a controller or a keyboard? 

Also I'm surprised the game runs decent on a laptop but it is good that we have optimized the game enough where it does! The minimum specs are probably outdated but they are also just a suggestion. 

We'll try to get that added in one of the upcoming patches before launch! I'm not sure if there's a reason that movement can't be rebound currently, but it could probably at least be allowed for keyboard. 

Thanks for the report, I'm not sure if we've tested any directinput controllers recently but I remember we tried a couple when we recently changed our input API and it was working back then. We will test it out again soon and see if there's a bug with them.  Can you be more specific with what controller it was? 

The game should be automatically detecting if Keyboard/Mouse was your last input and switch to it, but maybe the controller was interfering with that. If the game is restarted with the controller disconnected Keyboard/Mouse should be fine. 

Thanks for the report! I never tried using that item on the boss actually because I either never carried it that far or didn't think it would work. We're releasing a big new patch today but there won't be time to fix that for it. I will put it on the list for the next content patch though.  

Thank you for giving the game a whirl! You can get automated updates via the launcher here :

Do note also that progress is saved in the app data folder separate from the game’s so even if you overwrite the game folder the save files should still be intact. 

Thanks for the report! We are aware of the Continue overlap after opening the options for the first time, I haven't seen the Codex bug though. I'd guess it's because you haven't discovered anything since you didn't play yet and it caused an error opening it. We'll try to replicate it and fix it soon. 

Sorry you had a crash there repeatedly! We've had a couple players mention a crash on the Level 5 beam puzzles but I haven't run into it myself. What you described with the beams can help us fix it maybe or prevent it from happening so easily. When the prisms get hit by a beam and 2 are pointing at eachother they get stuck in an endless loop where they power eachother, so I think when you added the main beam back on top of that it was crashing for you. We can probably set it to disable when two are powering eachother like that or at least turn the prism so it doesn't happen by default. 

Patch 2.8 should be releasing in a few weeks and will include Level 6, so you will be able to complete the first ending then. Patch 3.0 a few months later will include more endings and more Act 2 bosses. 

Steam does do some weird things with controllers, but I haven't heard of it being that aggressive before especially when you weren't even playing the game through Steam. We'll see if we can do something to fix it, but I'm not sure how much control we have over it. It may also be something that only happens with 360 controller. 

Patch 2.7 released today and we were able to fix the keybindings not saving outside of your current session. It should have been saving by default even with Apply disappearing, but if a keybind was placed onto your Mouse it wasn't correctly saved. 

Yeah we are aware of the keybinds not persisting over multiple play sessions currently. We're releasing patch 2.7 soon but I don't think that fix will make it in in time. It will be a high priority for 2.71 though. 

If I understand correctly, that is working as intended in 2.63. When a controller is plugged in, mouse and keyboard will be disabled and the controller will take complete priority. You can either toggle the Disable Gamepad option in Controls, or unplug the controller and it will give you control with mouse and keyboard. We will eventually make it so you can at least use the mouse to toggle options and disable the gamepad while a controller is plugged in, but for now if you don't unplug you need to navigate there with the controller to disable it while it's active. 

If you get a chance can you send us the log file generated after opening the game when the options is broken and trying to click on a dropdown? There might be an error there that could help us fix the issue. 

Here's where the log is located:

Local Disk (C:)/Users/(User)/AppData/LocalLow/Monothetic/Beacon/Player.log

Here's a few things that might be able to help us figure out why it's not working:

  • What mouse and keyboard do you use?
  • Do you have a controller plugged in? 
  • Do you have any 3rd party controller drivers installed? 
  • Double check that the latest patch has installed, itch doesn't auto update unless you use the app. The patch number in the bottom left of the Main Menu should change when updated. 

Thanks for giving Beacon a whirl, if you have any feedback or bugs to report feel free to drop into our discord any time :)

I did hear about this spot from another player too, I will remove that blockade for the next patch. 

I agree but it was a bit too difficult to balance the Radiation damage on enemies vs. the player, and getting stunlocked by your own bullets was never fun. When shots are reflected at you they will still deal the base shot damage, just the stuns and debuffs won't be applied from your ammo mods. 

Yes that's correct, too many people bought the bundle for us to generate enough keys and Itch also wanted to disable Steam Keys from the bundle to prevent key resellers buying it.