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Moptropica - Pixel Wiz

A member registered Mar 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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cool game is a cool little sandbox game if you wanna check that out

also check out nevada's stuff she makes some cool stuff, with the exception off the doug walker game, that's just nightmare full

and im not sure if you like this genre, but you could check out this page, its a farming game im making (its far from release)


thanks! would have never figured that out. haha 2 edits takes me 7 before i can get a comment right!


in blender i just have colors assigned to different parts of the model, i imported a .blend. is there a way to export the colors as textures or are they in the uv editor or something (im not very good at this) if it cant be done ill use textures! Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Created a new topic cool logo

so i made a a&w art peice and here it is, heres my twitter help me get a&w's attention!!

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this is a great idea, ive been doing pixelart for probably two to three years, and i can say ive improved a lot, ive learned a lot, and my style has changed a lot. when i started out i thought i was good (i was just a beginner) and looking back i can see how bad i was, but you can really only see how bad you are when you compare (in most cases), i can compare my latest peice to one of my oldest pieces the one on the right (if you couldn't tell is the older one, it was my attempt at eric barone, the left is my attempt at micheal stevens, even though i'm the best i ever have been, if i compare to a pro pixel artist my art doesnt look so good anymore. the point is (if any) there will always be a frame of reference where you and your art looks bad ,and one that looks good,  and if you start to believe that you are bad you'll get discouraged, theres no point in comparing yourself (if a beginner) to a pro.


one of the best things to do, is be familiar with your art program, micheal angillo didn't paint his masterpeice blind, or not knowing what a paint brush was, can you imagine that. i use aseprite and i think its a great art application, but use what works for you, that works for me, so i use it.

lighting and perspective is also a great thing, without perspective it can look flat or just skewed, and without lighting it can again, look flat and skewed, both perspective and lighting seem to go together, and they can make or break a project, too much and it can look too exagerated or unreal and or weird (unless it goes with the feel of the peice), a little goes a long way. my perspective has improved a lot, and so has my light perseption, below ive made a example of what lighting can do for a object. ( even the first one has a tiny amount of lighting included, being the top of the cube is lighter!).


one thing that helped me is giving yourself a challenge, i tryed a 90 day one but gave up about halfway through, i would post one art a day, even though i gave up halfway through, i improved a lot my oldest art peice i have is; the top is the oldest and bottom newest.

and my newest is 

just always keep trying, never give up, give yourself challenges, try new things, dont paint blind, and always wear your seatbelt.


sorry for the rootbeer being so big

very nice asset pack, great animation, lovely color palette. what else could you ask for! this is a great work of art! i would request tiny transparent backgrounds gifs of it so we could use it in comments, or just make a cool emoji pack! (but thas probably not relevant)


i geuss its pretty easy to say why am i not getting veiws, and not give your fellow creators the veiws that they also want, thanks for the advice!

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your stuff looks great, the axolotl is super cool. personally i charge because it takes me a while to make, i have a couple free packs (if you wanna take a look haha) but i would price if you want to, maybe keep a pack or two free to keep some traffic going.

oh also any tips on how to make money from asset packs? ive made two dollars in the last year. any tips on advertising and stuff would be great (unless its a trade secret!)

aseprite for me is the absolute best, its easy (once you get the used to it), theres lots of features and tools to use, its just great overall,

also its manditory we get to see your work lol, btw nice profile pic!

i might have to try it, is it any good for seamless textures? like hd to uhd  kinda textures? also its manditory you show us your work haha!

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i think something cool would be a indie dev package like you see these monthly box's with cool things in it, but for struggling devs or indie devs, like if you get less than 5k (or smthing) veiw's a month, or week than you can sign your game up and maybe some judges (or community vote) could pick the 5 or 10 best games and put them in a bundle for 10 to 20 dollars a month, and all the games that didnt make it could go on a special itch page, there could even be a most popular package like for 20$ a month you get the 3, 4, or 5 most popular games, maybe even from different catigories simulation, horror, etc.


how bout that 99% idea royalty fee :}

(2 edits)

i used piskel for pixel art before for a while, then i switched to, for a long time i made my art on .net and then, then i got aseprite,  . now i use aseprite so much whenever i do any stuff on or piskel it just seems so strange and hard to do stuff (even though i had previously mastered both programs) 

ive not used gimp before but i think its better suited for high res textures, like making a grass texture seamless and stuff. 

also can we see some of your Artwork?


my favorite is aseprite because its easy, has nice tools.

my least favorite is, probably because its one of the only other sprite editors i've ever use

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elons candy bar brand would be called "3 elon musketeer"

Wham baam thank you man!

so i have a 3d tractor model, works fine in blender, so i exported as obj, but when i import to unity, has no colors or textures, so i tryed exporting as .blend, it should work but half the colors are just white, and some parts work as they should, its not just square one should be green but rendered as white, half of square one is white and the other half is green like it should be?? you can probably tell im no expert, but any insight and help would be apreciated!

What it should look like:

what it looks like:

So, i had been working long and hard, for the past six hours i had been working on a 3d model, it wasn't very good, but then again im not very skilled, it was a filler model for my game farm life, i started to add some lights so i could make a cool render, and i made the mistake of rendering at 5000 samples, blender crashed and over six hours of work was gone, i started to laugh hysterically, how could i be so dumb.

but thankfully blender has a auto save recovery feature, so i got it back, but it could have been worse.

and the moral of the story, always save, and where your seatbelt

What is your worst Forgot to save moment

here's the model

no making fun, i know its bad!

so the idea is micheal stevens aka vsauce... goes to jail, i got some sprites and am wondering if people like the idea!

I've decided to release these as profile pic for you to download, its some vsauce profile pics it includes a pixel art micheal, a rot sprite style one, and a mugshot one. enjoy!

Vsauce Profile Pic

 you can suggest other thing for me to make into profiles if you wish!




so i discovered a cool art "style" it requires aseprite. just take a medium to large pixel art, in my case 100 x 75 or so, and select sprite in the top right, and click sprite size, then select rot sprite (instead of nearest neighbor) and scale up about four times the original size, and it looks cool

I might make these downloadable profile pics maybe, who knows, tell me what you think!

Here's Micheal Stevens:


Bill cipher:


Description: Life on the Farm is a "sandbox" style open ended Farming simulator! from farming, animal husbandry, to even owning a shop, the possiblity's are endless

Life on the Farm

* the game is currently under development, there is currently not a "playable" version so i dont have any gameplay screenshots *srry* but i have some cool cover art! should have gameplay within the week, there's more info on the page, thanks for reading!

i like to make rope bridges out of it, over specifically high ravines, fifteen thousand four hundred and thirty seen and a half foot deep to be exact! don't get hungry when your crossing!

make sure to put project type to art, or whatever applys

go to the dashboard and click new project, just fill in everything correctly, add cover photo, price, description etc. and that should do the trick, i think,


i dont have tumblr, but i would suggest selling (or at least making them available for download on itch!) i would pay top dollar for these (if i had any money lol) but i think these are cool keep up the good work!

Hunt Duck

the last one is just sus

is the third one down have animals in it or is that just me? all very cool might try doing that with pixel art.

No one knows the pain of copy and pasting fine details - Me... i said that.

 amazing arts

also, you got a full res copy for download for pc background?