Thank you and Happy New Year! :)
Moroi Springs
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hi msBean! We're delighted to hear you enjoyed our little game. Your work is awesome! Can't believe you went through all that work for your viewers. It's commendable.
Most of the inspiration for the world and characters comes from the fairytales we grew up with, in Romania. We're going to develop the world, slowly, with each new game in the series.
Thanks again and good luck with your channel!
Hello dear friends!
We just wanted to update you that Chapter II of Winterlore is coming along nicely! We received your reviews and the most desired aspect was to make the game longer! We will follow through on this promise. 🙌 Follow us for more details on the release date 🕰 What do you hope to see in the next story?
In the meantime, here are some screenshots from the next Chapter:
Trick or Treat? 🎃👻
This year, it's a treat! 🍬🍭 Get your Halloween candy on us! Winterlore I is free for all of you who knock on Ozana's door. Play now and share it with your friends!
-- Part of the Halloween Sale --
-- 🖤 MS
Winterlore I is now available to download for Android! 🎉
In true Balkan fashion, we're making a huge celebration and sharing the game FREE for three days and three nights. ☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙 Celebrate with us!
We are a bit late with the Android release, but sometimes with games, thing don't go out as expected. We finally ironed out all bugs and launched the game on Google Play Store. To make up for the wait, the game is free for a limited weekend.
Hi msmori! It's great to hear you have enjoyed Winterlore.
We'll definitely consider updating the way dialogues are presented for our next episode. You're also right about the need for better interaction feedback, it's something we noticed as well while watching Let's Plays of the game.
Thank you very much for the kind words and feedback, we appreciate it.
-MS 🖤
Thanks a lot for the kind words, we're happy you've enjoyed playing Winterlore!
We actually thought about if we should keep the text boxes continuous or isolated. We settled on the latter as we didn't want to force people into too long of an exposition dump, haha! But we do understand the grievances so we'll keep them in mind for our next episode!
-MS 🖤
A truth we are all acknowledging is that racial injustice, inequality and police brutality is affecting the lives and wellbeing of Black Americans. We want to take a stand against this, so we're hoping you can donate for a better future by playing games. Our small game is in this epic bundle for Racial Justice containing over 1,500 games!
When the fun of playing games ends, we're educating ourselves on any way we can (podcasts, books, news reports). Racism has no place in history. The way policing started and how it evolved to be a bloody tool used against Black communities in America is shocking. The repeated actions have been occurring for a longer time than this event. Together we condemn racism and do more to fight this unjust world.
--Andreea Dragoman & Tudor C. Stamate
It would be an honor if Winterlore I would be considered for this endeavor:
Thank you all who downloaded our game over the weekend. We loved sharing it with you.
If you have any thoughts or comments hit the box below 👇and write us. Who knows, you might find your idea in the next chapter 😉
If you want to know when we'll be launching Winterlore for Android or when we'll be hosting more sales, follow us on Facebook. We're a friendly bunch.
A heads up to Mac users: Unfortunately during the weekend sale, the Mac version of the game would not run after downloading. We have since fixed this issue, so be sure to download it again (don't worry, if you claimed it during the Free Weekend, you can download the game as many times as you'd like). Sorry for the inconvenience!
-- 🖤 MS
❄️ Winterlore is now available for PC and Mac! ❄️
Because we are feeling in a bit of celebratory mood, we want to share this with you. So... surprise! This weekend, Winterlore is FREE to play 🕹 No commitment, no ads, no strings attached. Feel free to grab the game and play it before it's too late 😉 Enjoy this folkloric adventure and leave us a review if you feel generous. We appreciate your love.
-- 🖤 MS
Multumim frumos pentru tot. Suntem o echipa mica de 2 oameni, si intr-adevar asta este intentia noastra: sa cream o serie de joculete inspirata din povestile si traditiile romanesti (mai cunoscute sau mai putin cunoscute). Rusty Lake a fost o sursa de inspiratie pentru noi, si ne-am dori sa nu ne oprim aici. Din fericire interesul si raspunsurile au fost cat se poate de pozitive.
Doina pentru muzica de fundal este o idee foarte buna. Multumesc pentru sugestie, chiar as vrea sa integrez asta in urmatoarea versiune. :)
Thank you for your message. I was actually aiming for putting small hints around the house. It makes the game a little bit more "alive".
Me and my partner checked out the GDWC website and it looks like an interesting channel for indie developers and also visibility in this scene. Thanks for the heads up! Will move forward in joining this. :)
Hey! Thank you for your taking the time to try & play the game.
If the ingredient you are missing isn't salt, then it's just 1 more ingredient left to put there. There should be: minced meat, onion, garlic, salt, and pickled cabbage. Check out this video made by AlphaBeta Gamer for a walkthrough on where you might be stuck. Hope it helps.
Hey man! That was awesome. Thanks for playing and sharing the video.
Good that you gave some insight on Romanian lore for other players out there. Yes, the rice was supposed to be in 'sarmale', but it didn't seem very 'folkloric' so it was skipped for this purpose. Thanks for the feedback and input on this, it really does help.
If you want we can send you a message when the final version is out. There's also a continuation to the story that we are currently developing.
`seara buna !
First, thank you for playing the game. It's great to hear that you liked the Romanian folklore elements.
You actually reached finished the game there! I think it's a bug because there should be a screen with thank you for playing. I will investigate this and upload a new version asap. Congrats !
Thank you for downloading and hopefully playing Zestre. This game was born out of the idea that most Eastern European tales and folklore are spooky or scary. My final goal would be to create a series of puzzle / escape the room games that centre around old traditions and tales from this region of the world. With each game I hope to deliver quality gameplay content in a story centric puzzle game.
But first I need your help to learn how to better write & showcase a story! How? Just write your thoughts. Any feedback or comment would get me closer to become a better designer! So, if you have any idea about Zestre, please let me know. :)
Thank you for taking the time to play this. Cheers!