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A member registered Oct 01, 2017

Recent community posts

Keep trying! There is still something you can do

(6 edits)

In level 8, shouldn’t it be possible to infer that the two red squares are safe in this position? If either one is a mine, then there is no logical path to a solution because there is no clue which disambiguates these two squares and they cannot both be mines.

(2 edits)

Qb lbh xabj jung lbhe tbny vf urer? 15,20 zvtug tvir lbh fbzr vqrnf.

(1 edit)

fun little level, good luck :)


yup I softlocked too :(

Very high quality and approachable puzzles. The boss levels are an excellent touch!

Wow, really enjoyed this one!

(2 edits)

You have the right idea, keep trying! If you need a bigger hint: Lbh jvyy arrq gb hfr rirel oybpx.

Figured it out, thanks!

Great puzzles, really enjoying this so far!

I'm a bit stuck on B.18, any hints?

V gubhtug nobhg gung, ohg V pbhyqa'g svther bhg ubj gb zbir gur 'Ubyq' ohggba bss bs gur evtug fvqr jvgubhg fnpevsvpvat gur 'Ubyq' qbbe. N frpbaq obk jbhyq or arrqrq, naq V guvax lbh pna bayl gnxr bar bs gurz bhg bs 'Ubyq'.

Nyfb, V sbhaq gur ynfg yriry, ohg V haybpxrq vg ol ragrevat gur ibvq va 'Fgnpx'. Vg gheaf bhg gung nyy bs gur uvqqra yriryf pna or haybpxrq sebz gur ibvq hfvat bayl bar qbbe sebz 'Gbjre'.

(1 edit)

(rot13 because spoiler) Nyfb abg fher vs vagraqrq, ohg V haybpxrq 'Ab jnl bhg' naq 'Cyhfu' ol gnxvat n qbbe sebz 'Crqrfgny' naq n qbbe sebz 'Gbjre' nsgre haybpxvat 'Gbby'. V fgvyy unira'g sbhaq gur 15gu yriry lrg...

(1 edit)

Cool levels so far, I really enjoyed them! Just a few bugs:

  • Beating 'Panda' leads to a black screen.
  • Beating 'Tower' softlocks the game.

Edit: Fixed in the last patch, thanks!

Great puzzles! The Hat Collection was my favorite, though I think it has multiple solutions.

How do you get past the Chapter I introduction screen?

(4 edits)

Finished in 9m55s, fun game! Balance might need a little work though, some upgrades are just useless compared to others.

Level 10 seems to have multiple unintended solutions :)


Jung ner gur pbaqvgvbaf gung yrg lbh tb sebz gur ybjre nern gb gur hccre nern sbe rnpu cnffntr? Lbh znl or noyr gb qb zber guna lbh guvax.

Not related to solution, but I also found a useless trick while messing around :)

Solved it! Wow that is quite the puzzle.

(1 edit)

Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.

Va Cerfreingvba, V guvax lbh arrq gb trg na bowrpg ba gur oyhr fjvgpu jvgubhg qrfgeblvat nal bgure bowrpgf, ohg V qba'g frr ubj guvf vf cbffvoyr. V qba'g frr nal jnl gb fgrc ba gur yrsg erq fjvgpu juvyr pneelvat na rkgen bowrpg ba gur punva, ohg vs guvf vf gur pnfr gura V pnaabg fgrc bss bs guvf gvyr jvgubhg qrfgeblvat fbzrguvat.

Nalbar xabj juvpu bs zl nffhzcgvbaf urer vf vapbeerpg? Guvf tnzr vf terng ohg V pna'g svther bhg ubj gb svavfu vg :(

Fun game, can be better if random puzzles are fixed so that they have a unique solution. Puzzles that require you to guess are not fun: