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Stuck on second to last level, anyone have a hint? [spoiler]

A topic by mountebank created Jun 03, 2020 Views: 956 Replies: 12
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(1 edit) (+1)

Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.

Va Cerfreingvba, V guvax lbh arrq gb trg na bowrpg ba gur oyhr fjvgpu jvgubhg qrfgeblvat nal bgure bowrpgf, ohg V qba'g frr ubj guvf vf cbffvoyr. V qba'g frr nal jnl gb fgrc ba gur yrsg erq fjvgpu juvyr pneelvat na rkgen bowrpg ba gur punva, ohg vs guvf vf gur pnfr gura V pnaabg fgrc bss bs guvf gvyr jvgubhg qrfgeblvat fbzrguvat.

Nalbar xabj juvpu bs zl nffhzcgvbaf urer vf vapbeerpg? Guvf tnzr vf terng ohg V pna'g svther bhg ubj gb svavfu vg :(

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I've encoded the hints below using rot13 so that you (or anyone else who is stuck here) can reveal as much or as little as they want (also, thank you for naming the post this way).

Hint 1:

Gur evtvq/serrmvat gvyr jvyy cynl n xrl ebyr va gur fbyhgvba.  Vs gur cbfvgvba lbh ner gelvat gb trg gb frrzf vzcbffvoyr, ybbx sbe bgure cynprf jurer pneelvat na bowrpg ba gur punva jbhyq or hfrshy.

Hint 2:

Rirelguvat vf vzcbegnag.  Gur gbgny ahzore bs bowrpgf, gur cbfvgvbaf bs gur jnyyf, naq gur snpg gung gurer ner guerr onyyf (vapyhqvat gur bar nggnpurq ng gur fgneg) nyy znggre.

Hint 3:

Gur yriry'f anzr znl or yrnqvat lbh nfgenl.  Vs lbh ner abg cerfreivat bowrpgf, jung ryfr vf gurer gb cerfreir?

Hint 4:

Gur fbyhgvba jvyy erdhver n zbir lbh unira'g hfrq orsber.

Here is a direct reply to your question (this is a bit more direct than most of the hints, so you may not want to read it first):

Trggvat na bowrpg ba gur oyhr fjvgpu jvyy erdhver qrfgeblvat ng yrnfg bar bowrpg; trggvat gb gung gvyr jvgu na bowrpg ba gur punva vf abg cbffvoyr.

Correction: Vg vf cbffvoyr, ohg abg va n jnl gung jbhyq or hfrshy.

Hopefully this helps, let me know if you want any further information.

V unir ernq nyy bs lbhe uvagf naq svtherq bhg ubj gb ernpu gur oyhr fjvgpu qrfgeblvat bayl bar obk/onyy, ohg V fgvyy pna'g cvpgher jung V fubhyq or qbvat arkg. Jbhyq lbh or xvaq rabhtu gb tvir n srj zber uvagf? V jvyy nccerpvngr vg.


Gur cynlre-oybpx-onyy sbezngvba jbhyq or avpr gb unir va n srj ybpngvbaf, ohg abar bs gurz frrz ernpunoyr hfvat gur evtvq/serrmvat gvyr.  Vf gurer nal bgure gvzr lbh jbhyq unir n obk bireync jvgu gur punva?


Thank you for your early reply, I will try to think about it for another day (or days) before I seek more hints.

V qba'g guvax V'z trggvat vg... V pna'g guvax bs nal bgure jnl gb bireync gur punva naq gur obk :( V guvax V fgvyy arrq n yvggyr zber chfuvat va gur evtug qverpgvba.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Minor hint:

Xrrc Uvag 3 sebz nobir va zvaq.  Guvax yrff nobhg gelvat gb trg lbhe punva gb bireync jvgu n obk naq zber nobhg ubj gb xrrc vg bireynccrq jvgu n obk.  Guvf vf cebonoyl rnfvre gb abgvpr ryfrjurer, cnegvphyneyl va gur svefg srj fgrcf bs yriry 47.

Major hint:

Cnl pnershy nggragvba gb jung unccraf jura lbh oernx lbhe onyy juvyr lbh unir n obk fghpx ba lbhe punva.  Vf gurer n jnl lbh pbhyq rkcybvg gung?

(1 edit) (+1)

Only read the minor one and that's enough.  Thank you for your help and your wonderful creation!

V jvfu gung uvag 3 jnf abg arrqrq orpnhfr gur anzr jnf abg zvfqverpgvba. Vs gur tnzr unq abg nyernql genvarq zr fb jryy hc gb guvf cbvag gung gur nccneragyl vzcbffvoyr pbhyq or qbar jvgu crefrirenapr vg jbhyq abg unir yrq zr gb fhpu sehfgengvba :( Cbvagvat gb yriry 47 jnf n tbbq uvag naq V bayl cbfg orpnhfr V sbhaq gur tnzr bgurejvfr nznmvat naq fngvfslvat. Gunax lbh sbe funevat vg.


Solved it! Wow that is quite the puzzle.


Not related to solution, but I also found a useless trick while messing around :)


I can't seem to know what this level is either (just posted on the 'last level' thread).

Also, don't understand that gif at the bottom, why doesn't the ball attach? I tried to repro and it does. Is there another ball adjacent to it somewhere?


Yes, there is another ball off to the side.  The quirk the gif is showing off is that the chain doesn't attach if it is on the same tile as the ball.