I really like the music and the environnement art, and how the game is not punishing and chill, i only whished it let me continue to the next zone even if I had not collected all cristals
it's really good, I liked the sound effects too
I didn't get very far and took quite a bit to understand the shooting mechanics but they are cool and original ! I only did the free walk because the story button didn't work for me ? I tried reloading the page
I think it was a bit overwhelming to have all the enemies right at the beginning, maybe it could start with less enemies at the beginning and add more progressively ?
the art looks cool I think too
It's a great game, and it's fun to play ! Maybe at the start you could offset the camera a bit so that we know before the beginning in which direction to go, I kept going up instead of down at first !
Also the menu navigation is a bit too complicated and could be simpler I think, but overall it's well done !