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A member registered Jun 11, 2018

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Thanks.  That's very helpful info.

Thank you for your input.  I'm definitely open to all viewpoints and will take it into consideration.   If I may ask, what about DRM specifically do you wish to avoid?   If there is a way to prevent inconvenience to customers yet still apply deterrents to piracy, I'm all for it.  

Thanks firecat.  

I also would like to see a DRM option on to avoid thinking about selling Steam keys with no build.  I would rather sell the build on, but for all the hard work/money spent on building a game, I would like to have some measure of defense against illegal distribution.

Yes, I got it to work by using SSN, since that's the info in the IRS database, even for the business activities because it is a single-member LLC, so IRS disregards the business entity for filing purposes.  I have an EIN, but can't use it because IRS doesn't recognize it, since I never filed with it, because they disallow it.  So, no matter.  It's still for the business, but is all filed together with personal income.  Since you guys payout through Paypal generally,  the bank account linkage is all controlled by me, so I can keep distinct bank records for business which is my goal.   I would like to use the EIN to keep things truly distinct, but those are the IRS rules I guess.  

So, in light of this, one more general question...  to get through the tax interview, if you have a new EIN that you have never filed taxes with IRS before, would it be rejected until you have filed with IRS at least once?   Say, my business status changes from single-member LLC and I add an employee.  IRS would then allow me to file distinctly for the business under the EIN, but the EIN wouldn't be in the database until I file, correct?  So, it wouldn't be allowed on, being rejected by the tax interview?   I suppose this would be a question relevant for all new businesses with multiple employees in the year they form as well.   Would they not be allowed to use the EIN on until the following year after they formed/incorporated, being rejected during the tax interview because it is not in the IRS database yet?   Or is this only an issue with single-member companies that maybe the IRS removes the EIN from their database?   

Hello Everyone!   My name is MR Games, an indie game developer and all around tech software developer.  But you can call me Steve.   :D  ... I'm working on a 3D baseball type of game currently and it's going quite well and a lot of fun.  I generally like sports/ physics-based games mostly though not only.   I built my own 2D/3D game engine over OpenGL ES 2.x+  for mobile devices primarily, with custom rendering pipeline, before I decided to give Unity a try and think I'll stick with it for a while due to ease of use, large community, etc.     Looking to get this game released soon on   Hopefully soon really is soon.

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I second (third?) this.   First thing I noticed that was needed.

I just found out that when you go through the tax interview process, when you get to the EIN/SSN page, it pops up a window that says they check your Legal Name/tax ID pair with IRS, and if it doesn't match you can't continue.   Well, since I've always reported on my SSN (being a disregarded entity for Fed tax) does this mean I have to go back and change my Legal Name to my personal name?  Seems to be.  But if I do this, does this mean I can't have payouts go to my business bank account in the business name?  I'm thinking that would be too limiting and cannot be.     Or is Legal Name only for tax purposes?   Please advise.

Also, as an aside question,  Why is Legal Name asked for upfront on the first page and not on the other page with the EIN/SSN?   Seems out of context.   Then again the Legal Name field  is on page before redirecting to the Taxidentity server.    So I guess that's why, but this can be improved upon to prevent the confusion I just went through.

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Hello everyone!  Just joined.  On the tax interview during registration as a seller/creator,  for the "Legal Name" field, should it be the name of my business or my own name?  If the business is a disregarded entity for tax purposes (single member LLC) , but I'm using a business bank account should/can Legal Name be the business name?  I'm thinking it should if I'm using a business bank account, but not sure.

Please let me know how you handled the Legal Name, especially if you are the sole member of your business.
