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A member registered Jul 20, 2023

Recent community posts

Ahh gotcha. Because for me it says it’s for Monday at 5pm. 

When exactly can we start working on the game. Is it when submissions open or can we work on it that entire day? 

gotcha. Add me and I’ll add you to the group chat. mrcaptainraptor 

Cool you got a discord?

Hello everyone in the godot community. Mr.None and I are teaming up to do a game in godot. We are comfortable with one other person joining if anyone would like join as well let me know. 


(1 edit)

Same here. If ya like we can team up see how things go, and if we can get a third person that’s be amazing! I’m free all day to discuss anything too. 

Got a decent amount of experience in godot, but going to see if I can team up with someone. 

I wouldn’t mind. I’m rather new to game development been working with godot for a bit so I know some tricks in that engine, along with a bit of unreal engine, though I could pick up a bit of unity though not familiar with the language of it.