Thanks for checking it out! :)
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Thank you for checking it out, I appreciate the feedback!
Originally, the enemies were supposed to be homing - I've done that before in a Godot project no problem, but for some reason I couldn't get the code to work right for this in the last few hours haha. If I keep working on it, there will be for sure!
Realized on stream that there is a weird bug with the “Do it Again” button on the end screen where when restarting, it wouldn’t give you your mouse control back unless you held down one of the buttons.
I believe I have that fixed now! There’s a few other things I want to fiddle with, but I’ll release a bug fixed version this weekend.
I laughed at your comment about it still feeling cozy, because I definitely got into a very cozy groove exploring the beach with the relaxing music in the background - but taking your space = cold and out of gas mindset back to it, it felt less cozy.
Loved the intro animation, and the character control felt nice! I did get stuck between two rocks and couldn't move at one point while jumping around. Very cool level!
If you were to continue with the project, I think a mini map would have been super useful for me, I tend to get lost really easily haha.
Great work!
Played the web version on a break at work today, very vibey and cool so far!
I thought your menu was very clean and looked great, and the reticle change for interaction was also really well done. The music was cool too!
I know you didn't have time to finish much else, but the systems seem solid and I'd definitely be interested in checking out if you keep building on it!
I really liked the vibe here! (Though I tried as hard as I could to not think about why I was tracking down babies in a spooky abandoned town...)
The art style was very cool and I had a good time exploring the level. I kept falling through the map and getting trapped under it at certain points though, without being able to glitch my way back out.
My cursor wasn't getting grabbed after I got out of the main menu, so controls ended up being tough during some points - that might have been my computer though?
I'd be interested in knowing what assets you used for this, the menu experience was very smooth!
I'll give it another go after work today - cool stuff!
This... sure was something! I really like the collage-style art of the characters, especially in the beginning before the ice cream truck. This ended up not being my cup of tea, but it's obvious you put love into making it - which is rad!
I talk more about Mr Beast Scary House in my video this week:
Thank you for making this! This was a really unique, interesting take on a game, and as someone who also experiences similar panic situations, I think it's an important thing to share. Plus, you gotta love those chunky PSX graphics! :)
I talked about the game a bit in my video this week, if anyone is interested: