This game was so awesome to look at. Good job with the music and premise. Gameplay was very easy to understand. I would suggest some cool sfx when your power is activated as well as feedback sfx when you pick up items or bump into another customer. Nice Jay and Silent Bob. :) Overall great game with lots of potential for like a lot of levels and maybe even an infinite mode. Great job and entry ya'll!
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Karen!'s pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- I enjoyed the overall vibe this game gave the store. Working in retail for so long and then playing this gave me a satisfaction of yelling at random people to get out of the way or move faster that I didn't know I needed. I played this twice once pushing everyone out of my way to get my things and the second time I saved all my energy for the cashier. I really enjoyed yelling at the cashier and they actually scanned my items faster and faster as I yelled more. I also want to state that you went above and beyond to make the store feel like an actual store. Suggestions: - Have a chance for random events to happen during your shopping experience that help or hinder your shopping. Like the cashier chatting up a customer instead of checking out your items. Maybe cleanup on aisle 5. - Add a shopping cart for even more mayhem.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
A small-scale top-down runner. Complete your checklist, checkout, and get out of there. Use you "Karen-ness" to force others to your bidding
No one gets in your way.
As you run through the store to do your shopping; disrespect, disregard, and smash your way through employees and other customers alike in pursuit of minimizing YOUR inconvenience.
The game is designed with the intention to be a level-based speedrunner; having the player go further into the depths of selfishness to maximize their score and minimize their time spent.
Controls: Keyboard/Gampad
Move - WASD / Joystick / Dpad
Interact - E / A(Xbox) / X (PS)
Run - Shift / RB(Xbox) / R1 (PS)
Shout - Space / LB(Xbox) / L1(PS)
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
Our interpretation of the theme was to break down to what the most base definition of a weapon is. To that end, we came to the mindset that a weapon is something the is used to impose a will onto others; often unwillingly. To apply that to an individual; a person who considers themselves a "weapon", a person who is intentionally imposing, with no regard for the will or well-being of others.
With that in mind, we came to "Karen". Not a specific person, but a "type" of person. A type of weapon personified. A weapon you play as. You are a weapon. You are a Karen.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
We're hoping as we expand this game that we can get closer to that chaotic and anxiety inducing feel of games like Pizza Tower and Hotline Miami. To achieve that "feel", what part of the gameplay in particular would you recommend changing/focussing on?
Also, just for kicks, what do you think of the art style? Our artists worked their butts off the entire jam producing a ton of assets, most of which we were unable to implement in time.
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