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A member registered May 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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I wouldn't say stopped - but things have just gotten out of hand IRL. That being said, I still have interest and small bits of progress. I just can't be as consistent as I'd like to, and I don't think Jaltz wants to do the art anymore.

got a link?

But i can't see my energy, and I'm dying on my way from the cashier to the breakroom, before even doing anything

I dont understand - why am I dying of exhaustion. All I did was look at 3 lockers and walk back and forth and that insta kills me??

Also, the red is... painful to the eyes. Please enable a night mode with a darker background, even WHITE would be less stinging.

This might sound stupid, but is any weight gain added or just enabled feedings?

A bit sad not to see the guy love interest make appearances here as her partner

LockDown Dom community · Created a new topic wait so

Is addison the pet or am I the pet?

Can Joseph Earnwhile beat Goku?

fair enough I suppose. I haven't noticed much lower body expansion but maybe I'm just blind?

Loved this game so I downloaded the most recent version, but I'm stuck.

Am I just missing things or am I at the end of content? I can't seem to pass like 369 or so, I can't perform as the assistant on Friday, and I cannot for the life of me seem to find the dang coffee beans lol.

Any chance of weight gain? Or ass expansion?

I need a walkthrough. Am I stupid, or is there a reason I cannot seem to progress in the thief crime? Let alone accessing the later chapters.

Hey just wanna say, this game so far is fantastic. Adore it and looking forward to more! 

Hazel is perfect.

Yes, yes it is. Development is just a bit slow, I don't have a patreon for a reason.

so is culinary combat dead?

Yes, its quite early in development and we only have a basic amount of artwork done.

So new update - Overall since I last played, the UI feels cleaner and better. I really like the writing for the different characters you meet. The art is gorgeous and charming.

Weight Gain is finally here. And its... okay. Amber is cute as heck stuffed, but I'm happy to see her fatter! However, the jump is a bit extreme - she goes from buff to fatass in only one stage! I almost typed "too quickly" but that would be a gross insult to the hours I burned and the discomfort in my wrist it took to pump her up to 180+ pounds. I was also shocked to see that the fatter artwork only applied to the stuffing scene, with her overworld art still being stage 1. The lack of new talking or dating also seriously hurts here. I care less and less about stuffing, inflating, or fattening a character once they become a silent wall with boobs.

This update has its fair share of bugs! Most pop-up screens like "you don't have enough money" or "you already got delivery" just never go away, even if you click em, so making that mistake can potentially ruin the visual experience forever in that save. Also, the stock boy game had multiple instances of overlapping item images, which made the game more confusing and less fair.

Additionally, personal complaint here, with how necessary cupcakes/gainer cupcakes feel early on for weight gain, due to the snail's pace of at most 2 pounds per session, money is brutal. I feel poor constantly trying to afford fattening Amber. Most of the jobs dont feel worth it on income per effort. Cashier especially is brutal, with the sound design for some reason being LOUD AS HECK compared to the other jobs. I found the best farming options were janitor, which paid excellently and went quickly, but gave me carpal tunnel in about 20 minutes of grinding, and bouncer, if you get lucky enough to have mostly YES in a row, so you can just button mash lol. But that's very luck-based and sometimes, you just get screwed by having an equal-ish number of good and bad people, so it takes extra time to play.

When I read "Voice Acting" I expected full VA or the simple Fire Emblem style of repeatable phrases but... maybe that was too high hopes lol.

All in all, I am happy to see this update, excited for the future of the game, but a bit disappointed by the current implementation of my most-wanted feature, and think a few things need cleaned up or tweaked!

what does it mean by "Weight Gain Systems" if only Amber has a level of gain?

ahhh I see I see! Well, thanks for replying and giving some insight! 

Loving the pitfalls implications and really want to see different dialogue and animations with different weights and choices. 

Also, I really hope the mirror content returns, I like the concept of that from old versions. 

Increased capacity, but no WG effects? Just stuffing?

I did really like this new version, but I wonder why the massive direction change? Its so drastically different, losing the good and bad of the old one and all progress. Oh well, I just miss some of the content of that past one - losing out on the schwarma belly and mirror scenes is sad.

OOh really looking forward to grace weight gain

Really? Awesome!!

Can I ask, will Leanne/Lyn be hurt by either choice? Like, I feel kinda bad asking her to be the steamer personality lol

I don't have a set date, sorry, I am working on it actively but have other commitments IRL. 

Loved this game even if not every gal was my fantasy. I initially avoided this game cuz I thought it was gonna just be a pile of NTR fetish fuel, but it was a genuinely cool game!

I somehow broke it. No matter what I do, sleeping in the bed after finishing the conveyor belt class gives me a black screen, where I can bring up my pause menu and ONCE watched a TV, but I can't see and get no feedback

Is there any permanent weight gain? I'm confused by how to progress

Is it playable yet or not? I'm confused my feed said you updated it

I'm sorry if this is annoying but I'd like to repeat a comment from Endowed I made - is there any chance ever of optional weight gain content? I really enjoyed your past work with it and would love to see it in either of these games.

Is there any chance of adding weight gain to this or hypnosis? I saw your WG comic at one point and adored it, and was really hoping for some optional weight gain in at least one of your major games

Looking forward to giving this a try.

Thank you kindly!

Oh I see! Thank you.

Is weight gain available yet in this update? By the way, idk what WEBGL is so I'm not that phased by the bad news lol

Yeah that's our bad, still working out the kinks and really working with the basic sprites for now.

I've seen various body types for NPCs but so far only been able to manipulate ass for my character, and I prefer a bit more cushion

I know my girl is "pear shaped" but at the second thinnest weight possible, she shouldn't have "layers and layers" of fat on her hips and have her ass catching on things. The descriptions go a bit extra, and describe pear shape as freakishly disproportionate ass lol.

One of the most unnerving experiences of my life