Really lovely, it feels like it would fit a point-and-click or puzzle style game. I like the sparse textures, and you really get the most out of the few instruments you're using. I would have liked a bit more variety between the tracks, maybe at least one with more of a rhythmic identity
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From my understanding, yes. You need to 1) upload audio files to itch, 2) link to the music on a streaming service (not required to be soundcloud or youtube, I did bandcamp), and 3) upload photo/video/pdf proof of your process.
From the rules: "You must submit the original recording in either .mp3, .wav or .flac on AND on another streaming service of your choice (preferably Soundcloud), with a screen recording or screenshot(s) or pdf of your DAW, score, or tracker."
Very fun little game! I use a mac, so godot webgames basically *never* work for me, but your game did, did you include mac support deliberately, and if so how? Few comments/suggestions: The first boat you shoot down each run generates a lot of lag. The boss tentacle hitboxes don't quite line up with the sprite (I had bullets go through without hitting), and somehow I ended up buying more items at the shop than I could afford, and got to negative money, but I couldn't recreate that bug so I'm not sure what caused it.