Very nice to see a volcanic update! ;)
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hi Biim,
We are debating internally, about the direction we want to follow in the game, and the decision is to have intact the traditional mechanics of the minesweeper. If a player touch the mine, its Game Over ;)
In the style of the concept we are developing, we like to add roguelike elements and other things. If you lost a game, some things will be saved for the future. Now the answers to your points:
- In the next update, the Screenshake will be repaired.
- In the next update, the audio have an on/off option included.
- We will check the bug with the options menu. Thanks for letting us know.
- The initial plan is, make this game first for PC to test and see the overall things. When we have a more refined and stable versión, we will re-evaluate making an optimized version for mobile. In any case we will make it easier for you to click on coins and the chest.
- Beating the goblins, will make you ready for more difficult boards and battles. With the gold, you can buy potions between battles.
- We will add more information in the battle mode. Added this to the roadmap.
- In this version, the goblin can heal and attack with the same 3rd skill. We are preparing updates for the combat system to improve the mechanics.
- With the deadline of the Jam, we didn't have time for more. We are planing for the future rpg elements, a rich storyline divided in chapters and more surprises
Thanks for your words! ;)