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A member registered Nov 06, 2015

Recent community posts

Amazing to hear that your life is at a more stable point after all the chaos <3

Also about the Figurine, it says about 58 dollars a month as in a subscription to patrion instead of a one time purchase which is a bit confusing.

I would love to buy one(or more with different poses/clothes) but 2 things are stopping me at the moment.

Firstly, the photo above shows the figurine with no color and its a bit creepy when looking at the face, is there a chance for it to be colored in the future?

And secondly the price is rounded 58 dollars hopefully a single purchase but also for the country i live in that is around 103 in my currency, which is...a bit much for me especially for a colorless figurine no matter how much i adore the actual thing.

Depending on how things progress even at the current price i would be willing to get at least one, although im not sure if it can be shipped to Europe, it would be great if this could be confirmed so i can mentally prepare my wallet.

Is the only way to get through Patreon?

Will there be an option to purchase it directly from Itch?

Will there be an option to pay with a Credit Card in the future?

I dont have Paypal and dont really wanna make an account just for one purchase

Happy Birthday!!!

Congratz on the anniversary!

I dont know if it would make much of a difference, i personally dont use Patreon or other similar sites, id rather pay full price for the game once its finished.

Might change my mind at some point since i do want to support Ncrow but when it comes to waiting its not an issue since i already am waiting for so many other games that take much longer to update. 

I believe Ncrow is one of the better/best Devs since they deliver great quality and does it often which i believe is the biggest reason why ppl would turn to support them.

But i dunnu im just a silly goose.

It is what it is, make sure you dont stress over it and overwork yourself tho.

Sleep is very important!

That's all very interesting and you're so smart and handsome, take the time you need no worries.

If you manage to put it on steam, imma buy it no questions asked.

well only one question, are you gonna post about its steam release here?

 Cuz i dont think there is another way i can find out about it.

Happy to hear that you are doing better :)

In regards to quality of the recent updates, from what i remember i was very happy with it.

If it comes to things id like to see in the future in regards to Android and Cali and also just the future in general i would like the inclusion of more toys, as in for example with the twins using tails.

Btw is it possible to improve the Lin kitchen butt plug, like being able to do more with that in any form at all?

My sincere condolences for your loss, it's never easy with a loss of a loved one.  I'm fairly new to the community but from what I've read so far you seem to be an emotionaly intelligent person so i doubt you need to hear all  this but just in case it might help. I've read the comments below and we are all right there behind you and will gladly wait for as long as you need, please take your time to grieve properly. The sense of loss and pain may never truly go away but it numbs and mellows out with time.