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A member registered Jul 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry, left click to attack. It pins the enemy in place so you can run away.

how about text letting players know they've reached the end?

In one generation? Lol.


I am so sorry, I will have to look into that. Could you check and see if my other game, seastadt, runs on your computer?

I've fixed the executable issue, I think, but do not know how to not use an executable. Others from the thread seem to be using executables too.

Here is my first game made in Unreal, I could definitely use some feedback.

Mini Wars by mutant_llama1 (

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I made the original version of this game a couple of years ago, and am still coming up with new ways to improve it. It's rather simple: You spawn in a grid of rooms, you explore them, you fight monsters, you meet other people and either trade with them or recruit them as your army, you find food to not starve, and eventually you find your way to the "Destination", wherever that might be.



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Hey, thanks for the feedback. I'm still learning to program, and last semester I was learning Python and decided to make a simple game with it. The code for the enemies in Rooms 2 is actually taken directly from an Extra Credit assignment. I hope to re-write it eventually, to clean up some problems with the structure, so maybe I'll transfer it into Java which I'm supposed to learn next semester. The Cat, The Dog and The Bird was made using a program called Twine which was very limited, but it's an easy interface for making a choose-your-own-adventure type game, and it exported as html code.

I made a game last semester and improved on it this summer. I'd like if someone could give me feedback. Here's a link:

Rooms 2 community · Created a new topic Rooms 2

A text-based game where you explore a huge grid of rooms, fighting monsters and collecting treasure along the way.

Hey, I couldn't figure out how to reply to your post on my project. I uploaded the project into the form, but it's not showing up on the page.

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A new version of my "Rooms" game, with a lot of improvements and new elements!

A text-based exploration game based around a large grid of rooms.