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A member registered Feb 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We've been working hard

We are working on it.

A full version to tell the story properly. More gameplay. More hard to answer questions. More consequences.

Great video! Thanks for sharing. We're hoping to have an extended version of the game soon, I hope you give it a try

I loved the video, and it really acted as a reminder of why I wanted to explore the full story we created during the game jam. There are enough clues in the jam version to piece together kind of what happened, but only a full version will allow us the truly tell her full story.

I'm glad you liked the game!

(1 edit)


Hi there!


I've had this idea for nearly a decade but I have (on many occasions) proven that I am not the developer for this project. Unfortunately, my practical networking abilities consistently fall short of the mark.

In terms of gameplay, this game is pretty simple. A 'sumo' style, fast-paced, competitive, PvP game. There is plenty of potential for other game modes, like a soccer-style mode.

The 'team':

Ideally, I need at least one developer with decent networking ability. The game will require a lobby system to allow players to queue into online games.

As I'm asking for a lead-developer for the project, the choice of engine is open to allow for working in an environment you are comfortable with. My engine of choice is Game Maker Studio, the engine I developed the prototype in.

I plan to fill the role of director and primary artist for the project, but I may be able to provide additional code where needed.

We will also need a backend developer who can handle the game's website and its integration with the game itself. This could probably be handled with WordPress and custom plugins, but your ideas would be much appreciated.


The project has zero budget, so I plan to offer a generous royalty cut. I'll be funding the project out of my own (often empty) pockets. Despite no compensation being agreed up-front, I am keen to reward the team for their efforts whenever I am able to, even before the project starts making money (or in the event that the project doesn't make money).


Important to note, since this is where the royalty cut will come from.

I'd like the game to be free-to-play, in the interest of attracting a healthy player-base.

In order to generate revenue, I'd like to offer cosmetics that can either be earned or purchased.

In addition to 'micro-transactions', I'd like to offer rentable in-game ad space for sponsors. Eventually, I'd like businesses to be able to sponsor the game and have their uploaded banners show in designated spaces on the game's arenas, like in real-world sporting events.

If the game is successful, the royalty share has the potential to be incredibly lucrative for everyone involved. I have no plans to cap the royalty share in the event that the game suddenly makes millions.

In summary:

I'm hoping to build a small, passionate team to work on this project. It's important not to go into the project expecting to make huge amounts of money since the huge majority of indie games make nothing. If we all have fun and make something we're proud of, I'd consider that a win. In the somewhat unlikely event that all get rich, that'll be a cheeky bonus.


  • Lead developer
    • Must be able to realise an online multiplayer game with lobby system.
    • Must be able to create a game with reasonably basic physics.
  • Backend developer
    • Must be able to create a system for a website to integrate with the game for the purpose of displaying stats and facilitating sponsors adding ads into the game for a fee.

I love the video, thanks for making it!

I haven’t seen much of the game in a while, so it was a little creepy seeing it again. So tense!

I also ran out of memory. Happened while flying south.

I enjoyed the game though!

Oof... I meant to disable the enemy AI during dialogue. The whole game is so janky, I almost didn't upload.

I'm glad you think it looked good though :)

I totally agree. A tutorial was in the works but wasn't finished. Had to rush an explaination through dialogue. Most of the levels even demonstrating the majority of the abilities didn't even make it in.

(3 edits)

I am a GM:S developer. I tend to work solo but that is getting mighty lonely and I feel my projects stagnate due to lack of alternative perspectives. I’m looking for an artist, other developers, designers- anyone wanting to partake in some “spare time” casual game dev. 

I’m looking for someone (or a few someone’s) to game jam with or perhaps even work on some non-jam projects for the fun of it. My intention is to make free games but if we manage to make a few coins along the way, we can happily share them out evenly between us.

I’d best show you what I’m made of! Have a look at some of my work and I’d like to see some of yours. Let’s see if we are compatible (none of that Tinder nonsense) and see how many people we can entertain with our game-dev wizardry.

I take full responsibility for all code and artwork for the stuff dumped below.

My Game Jolt profile:

Find me a Discord if you want: Nexust#9892

I did originally bind things to keys because I wanted to minimize the use of text in the UI but communicating the hot keys to the player became a whole struggle on its own. I added the menu in defeat.

I'm glad you liked it.

The resource management aspect of the game was tough to reimagine for such a stripped down version of the game.

I am working on a mobile port of Final Orbit (but not the Nokia Jam version). I'm just working out player input- getting touch input to replace mouse and keyboard without being intrusive.

Thanks for the feedback!

Getting the aim to work properly was such a pain in the neck. It's based on another game of mine that uses the mouse to aim your rockets. Obviously no mouse control for the 3310

Thank you for the feedback!

You're right, I probably could have played it from the mounted .dmg but I never even considered trying that

I was indeed using Firefox. Seems a lot of the games in this jam have issues with Firefox.

The Mac version not running was entirely my fault. It had been a long day and I didn't stop to think that perhaps the game needed installing first, I thought it was just a standalone. Being a Windows user all my life, I'm still not used to the interesting way OSX has you install software. Works fine on Mac!

I like the design but it does feel a bit slow paced.

I really like the game. Of all the games I've played for the jam so far, this is the one I enjoyed most.

The mechanic may be slightly overpowered because there are no limits to it, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment.

The sound effect may not be quite Nokia enough though.

(1 edit)

The browser version throws up an error: Error: Could not load game data at path '.'. Is the .pck file missing?

The standalone .dmg for Mac doesn't seem to run either :/

I wasn't very good at the game. I wasn't sure what the goal was exactly but I just avoided everything and ended up with a score of 0 every time. I am no expert.

The enemies were great. Nice design, and predictable yet challenging behavior patterns.

The sounds aren't very Nokia 3310. Clever use of flickering on the ghosts of your previous attempts. I'm not sure the Nokia could refresh at that rate but it's a good idea.

(1 edit)

I wasn't very good at this game. I couldn't time my attacks properly. I got to the ghosts and that was it for me. The difficulty curve was pretty good though.

I really liked the visual style; you gave the sprites a lot of character despite the restrictions.

Really nice. You could definitely expand on this, maybe some more advanced platforming, parkour and grappling hooks maybe. 
I would definitely recommend fixing the anti-aliasing though. It’ll make the game look cleaner but more importantly it’ll stop you getting disqualified from the Nokia Jam for using too many colours.

Nice work!