Ah, you are indeed right. I've just tested this to verify and can confirm it's exactly as you say. Thanks for the response.
Recent community posts
This may seem like a silly question, but I've gone through the east wing without flipping this switch and I don't know what it's supposed to keep locked, or unlock. Does this switch do anything? Is it for future Crescent Keep content? I'm not sure if I've missed anything but I can't find what this switch relates to.
I agree with most ideas presented, especially the target slots as it does feel a bit overwhelming on occasions, particularly in the 12-18 dungeon. However, I feel the input latency part of the discussion, while I don't have a rebuttal for skills as you make fair points here, with charge attacks, I don't feel they should go off automatically once ready. That's not to say it should remain indefinitely until you're happy to let it land, but I think there should be a timing involved where once it's fully charged, depending on the initiated skill, give it a set window of time before it goes off automatically. However if it's class dependent, class may vary the time window in which something may go automatically. A fighter for instance that tends to have a lot of strength may be able to hold a charge the longest (ex: up to 10 seconds) but not indefinitely, while a rogue or bandit may hold a charge but only briefly (ex: up to 3 seconds). And a mystic (haven't touched mystic yet) might have a time window in between since they're not physically all powerful, but they are a master of their craft (if they have a charge attack, maybe 5-6 seconds?)
Overall, I think for certain aspects that need addressing, the only way to better determine how this all works is to wait for a multiplayer demo, as the single player is a nice taster for those excited, we don't know how the enemy will lock on between multiple targets. Once we see how multiplayer is affected, it may be better to determine that aspect first and reverse engineer that to make the single player as effective. As for weapons and skills in general, that could be considered ahead of time.