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A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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I also had the same misconception about the "sticky one".

Death + Fire

Air + Earth

It would be good if we had a bit more information on the different moods and what causes them, even if just as a tooltip/hint on the achievements.

For example, "Fear" sounds like it might come from getting multiple areas in a row locked off from going beyond the purple hearts, while "Heat" sounds like edging her without letting her orgasm (which gets harder to do as the touching level goes up...)

I don't know how to get her into a state of fear or a state of heat. Everything else comes naturally with gameplay (the blowjob/titjob require her to be on her knees, which is achieved with either the "Deep Orgasm, stays on train" event or the "Deep Orgasm, runs away to bathroom/elevator, Deep Orgasm" event, but they level up faster than nearly any other location).

Figured as much as soon as I realized I was playing a version several major updates behind the latest patch, but just wanted to make sure you guys were aware.

(3 edits)

Found an incorrect line during/after one of the sex scenes in whatever public version was before version 1.4.9 (the Itch app only says "" as the file name): when Lilian gives an under-the-table blowjob in the tavern after the celebration party, the text talks about "Joyce" and how her loud slurps can be heard throughout "the office".

Joyce isn't even introduced until after the next paint cleaning minigame...


Also, the name "Follow Me Not" is perfect for that bug.

Understandable with the quantity of other "Placeholder" scenes and text. That was the only time I noticed "Lewis" in my playthrough of the current build.

When Euphy tackles the player the morning after meeting Roxy, it seemed like she refers to the player by the default name (Lewis) rather than the name entered on that save file.

Click the moneybag from the front view, then click the "Sell" tab in the pop-up menu

To be fair, the original Mal0 article is fairly short, with the 24-/48-/72-/90-hour exposure behavior changes and the "To date, no apparent hostile activity has been reported regarding SCP-1471-A." statement being the main descriptions of what the Mal0 entities actually do when they get close to you, so it leaves a LOT of room for interpretation, even with the hidden "Capone" article describing how it affected the lives of two siblings who downloaded the app.

The cat-eared paladin outside the "market" seems to be having trouble with her shield: the handle is on the outside, it's at a 90-degree angle, the bottom of the shield is pointing off to her right, and the top of the shield is stabbing into her leg...

There's already a footjob scene and some breast expansion, while the dream sequence implied that the two other main girls will have ass expansion and giantess/"height growth" when they're developed.

I see from your game's title that you are a fellow enjoyer of "Trouble In Tainted Space" and "Corruption Of Champions", and that this game has a similar art style and menu design.

I literally haven't downloaded anything using Google Drive on my PC in years, and that pop-up appeared on my first try attempting to download two game files using Google Drive instead of MEGA.

I was trying to download just one file, but one link didn't work, so I tried another.

The Google Drive link for PC doesn't work, because it says "Download Quota Reached".

The Google Drive file for PC doesn't work, as it says "Download Quota exceeded".

Also, the file is so big on MEGA that they require you download their desktop app.

I laughed at the "Chekov's gun" reference with Nero's third item. Half-expected the item's description to say something along the lines of "the gun WILL be fired at some point in this story".

It literally doesn't matter which one you pick, you have a 1/3 chance per row of getting a +1. You can save to keep retrying a talk opportunity to try for +2 or greater, but it's random every time, even after reloading a save.

Noticed 2 bugs while playing this game:

1, During the first 2 affection levels (before she undresses to her underwear), when you get kicked out of her room after watching TV, the player model goes invisible, and it doesn't return until you interact with one of the women or with the nighttime shop NPC (interacting with the MC's bed doesn't restore the character model)

2, If you have ordered Jay to "Follow Me" and she's still following you when the next "relationship level up" screen activates, the "Follow Me" feature becomes permanently broken, with Jay asking "where are we going?" but no longer moving from her 3 normal locations washing dishes, watching TV, and sleeping (as shown in the cutscene by 2 Jay models overlapping on the bed, with the bugged instance lying directly in the center while the intended instance moves around throughout the scene)

(1 edit)

Just an FYI, the MEGA link for the Windows version of v0.1.1 currently says "The file you are trying to download is no longer available
This could be due to the following reasons:
The file has been removed as it violated our Terms of Service.
Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist. 
The file has been deleted by the user."

GoFile still works, though...


The free version is horribly broken: the bars don't fill up at all until at least 3-4 Triple Greens are activated, then all 3 bars start filling up simultaneously at a slow speed. From then on, each further Triple Green makes ALL 3 bars speed up, leaving you likely to fail long before you can even get 1 full dose, with 1 exception: if you complete a Triple Green on the SAME FRAME that a bar overflows (easiest to do with the 1st or 2nd Triple Green after all 3 bars start filing), the game glitches, Juice Level maxes out at 100%, your "doses administered" count starts rising infinitely, but no expansion happens, no controls work, and you have no way of collecting any coins from that run.

Is there any way to download the v0.1.1 Alpha before v0.1.2 is made public in mid-May?

There is a way to softlock your starting save: You start with 3 skill points, and there are 2 techs you can buy with 0 motivation that cost 3 skill points in total: "Cleaning Plus" for 1 skill point and "Gym level 2" for 2 skill points.

Because the starting fondling options don't provide any skill points, and because the gym is not a high enough level to give you skill points with each use, that save is permanently stuck with minimal interactions with the M17F android.

Instead, you have to save at least 1 skill point and go through all the free sex scenes (the android's chores around the house) to get to 10 motivation, then grab one of the handjob techs. 

From then on, you can repeatedly spam any unlocked techs in a sex scene until your energy runs out to rapidly gain motivation and skill points while only costing 1 cleanliness.

It shouldn't change as far as I'm aware (I paid $6 a year ago, and I have gained access to every new update and every audio log by just accessing the Download tab next to the "You have paid X amount of monies" notice at the top of the game page).

I assume that if a higher price item ever gets added, you could unlock it by just paying the difference between your previous purchase price and the price of the new tier, but as I said, the prices on this game haven't really changed in over a year.

A single payment will unlock everything set at that price or below.

For example, right now, you can get version 0.117 and the "Sneakily Humping" audio file for free, you can pay anything between $2.40 and $4.79 to unlock the private release updates, or you can permanently unlock everything with any payment>= $4.80.

The same principle applies to any other game on this site which gives bonuses for payments here: this isn't Patreon, you don't have to pay multiple times for the same content.

"Gullible" generally requires trying to talk to your "landlady" and convince her of something unbelievable. Notable events include "the conversations at breakfast and lunch that unlock new Daily Checks in her bedroom during the Early Afternoon" and "joining her in the bathtub".

"Sleepyhead" generally requires trying to use her while she's asleep. Notable events include "face-fucking her while she's asleep in the tub", "using her while she's asleep on the couch in the Late Afternoon", "using her while she's asleep during Netflix & Chill", and "lockpicking your way into their bedroom at midnight so that you can use her while she's asleep in her bed".

In general, since there's no fail state, doing the steps that lead to a sex scene when you don't have the stats to properly trigger it will still give you some XP in one of your stats...