It is up-to-date! Sorry a bug with my build system (typo on "version" as "verison") caused the build numbers to not correctly update on the webpage. You can now verify the hash with the one present on Steam!
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Yes! You can find it here:
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the game. The wheat symbols in the city are unfortunately just decoration.
I do want to include more hints centered around teaching core mechanics. Recipe books, cave drawings, and cutting some pointless empty space in the map I think will focus the game a little better.
I hope that helps!
The perfect kobold mission expects you to have a kobold with at least 4 generations of modifications. (Fill the metabolization bar, breed, repeat 4 times).
And sorry, yeah really large eggs can clip, to prevent it: as soon as the egg spawns you can pick the kobold up off the station and they'll continue laying the egg while doing whatever (throw them really high?).
I hope that helps!
Yeah this is a known Unity issue. I'm not sure what I need to do to address it. I'm using the new fangled Input System-- and on Linux it doesn't read mousewheel inputs the same way it does on other platforms. I'll make an issue on git so I can keep track of it and hopefully I'll come up with a solution that doesn't involve writing linux-specific code.
Yeah sorry, the game has some really rough onboarding. I was hoping that multiplayer would make up for it because I have no idea how to game design!
Don't enable depth of field, locking your grip can be undone by holding Q, or by tapping Q while looking at what you want to unlock, the food system is fairly complex as you need to mix the ingredients in buckets to get a visual effect (buy the scanner to help read what reagents are and what effect there is from mixing.)
Thanks for the feedback! I hope this helps.
I'm sorry, I'm cross-compiling the game for Macs via Mono. Apparently this version of KoboldKare does not work on "modern" macs. As they've purposefully made old apps obsolete. I'm investigating what I can do to fix this, but currently I have no reasonable things I could do to make it work.
Edit: I found the bug and it should be fixed now! Mac builds should work on both M1 macs, and regular x64 Macs.
There should be a button found on your itch purchase page, see this link for more info: