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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very cool game!

Thanks for your advise! Ill look into the WebGL for my next Project. I actually never heard of that game. But it does look similar lol. 

Thanks for your comment! Im so glad you liked it.

Thanks for your comment :). Well the input is flipped bc it rotates around so no matter how it can only be 50 percent right and then 50 percent flipped uk? I think I'm gonna add some UI to make it easier to understand. 

Im so glad you liked it! Ya the flipping of the controls is a little problem rn xD

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah that with the UI is a good idea :)

The monkey is soo cute ahhh. The coughing is such a funny idea, i really like it! The controls are a little wonky but that's fine. 

Really good project! 

Fun game! I like the idea of enemies moving whenever you move but maybe don't do it random then you cant anticipate whats gonna happen. 

They could move depending on the tile they are on or smth like that?  

Fun concept but the game is a little buggy (the lives didn't go down for example).

Uhm nothing really spawned for me except those bacteria. Did I do something wrong? 

I really like the combination of controlled and controllable movement! 

Omg i grew a bonsai! Cool idea! 

This game is so much fun! Only got to 10 though :/. Guess Im the dumb rabbit lol. 

It reminds me a lot of those really fast-paced mini games like flappy birds.  A small thing that could make the game flow a little better is if you could start the new game with the space bar too. Then it get's really addicting :) 

Hey there, cool idea with the battle tower! I don't really get how you're supposed to know where to block or attack though. 

Congrats on your first game jam :D! It's a cool project! I like the idea of connecting the game to a myth. However,  the power was a little difficult to use because you can't see when it runs out. 

I love your game! Kinda feel like a toddler playing this. But in a good way haha

Love the art style. I think you could build more on the concept. Maybe multiple places they need to recover in (like a cook for hunger or a bed for rest lol)? But for the short time it's really cool. 

Lol I love how you put an entire story around it. The button combos are a very unique idea.

Cool game!

Very cute style. The input is a little wonky but that's probably bc of time? 

The link is there now :D

Sorry, my bad. It should be visible now.

Hope you still have a moment to test it :)

Awesome game!

Thanks so much for your feedback! 

Omg, thanks so much for your comment. I'm glad you liked it :) 

Thank you so much for your feedback! :) 

Thanks for your reply!  Ya that's actually what I was going for...that the player has to react to what immediately in front of them but that doesn't work too well with collectibles I guess 

Hi there! 

Thanks for trying my game :). Sometimes when you fly in a straight line that  can happen. 

What a fun game! The art is so lovely :). I'll definetly come back to this if i ever decide to learn how to type properly ;)

Nice concept and great art! Unfortunately the arrows have no velocity (At least for me)

Really fun game! Imagine this PVP omg. 

Ps. Now that soundtrack is in my head xD

This is so cute. Those little wiggling feet ahhhh <3 

The game is so small but still so enjoyble! The little birb friend omg. Yeah im sold. Best game of this jam!

Makes you feel like a god bird haha 

Funny Project! Maybe increase the movement a little so that the player is able to escape the soldiers if needed. It feels inevitable to die, thats a little frustrating.

But the concept is nice.

Really cool art! Especially the start screen. The idea with the canons is also great. Trying to dodge them can be pretty tricky sometimes. A suggestion would be to add some player feedback about the health because rn it's hard to tell how many more shots you can take.

Great project! :)

This is one of that games that annoy you but you just can't stop playing haha. Because it's so fast paced it's great that you immediately get thrown into the next game.  Makes it impossible to stop playing xD. 

Nice project!

Lovely artstyle and great animations! Maybe you could have added a reward for dashing on the humans. And a name for  sliders is also handy ;)