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Naughty Neko

A member registered Dec 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you, for your feed back.  Yeah forgot to disable a few debug things.

Thank you :D

Really good this one, cool idea to have on rails shooter, really liked this one.

Really really like the visuals.

However I didn't know what i was supposed to do other than endlessly slowly walk forward.

Seemed to unforgiving to me, miss time one jump then restart, but a solid base of a game is clearly here, good job.

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Changing gravity shouldn't be a button, i was able to complete levels just by flying of course and changing the gravity.

Other than that I do like the game play, needs a little refining, and better world assets etc but really good start.

also debug stuff was on.

Really good game, i just wish you didn't have to press Z to exit, also level 3 i think was too hard.

I mostly enjoyed the game, i think the story and cut-scenes were a good addition and well made.  However I think reduce the dialog amount when platforming as i couldn't read it while jumping around.  Also a more consistent art style would have been good, tile set seems higher detailed than everything else for example, a bit distracting.  Over all a job well done.

Didn't understand what i was supposed to be doing...

All it said for me is that you only had time for 1 level and nothing else happened, both on web and download

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Really cool game, although maybe robot movement could be tweaked a bit.

Art style is cool, over all a job well done

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Thank you for your feed back. "I will say though the keyboard controls are terrible" yeah I agree, I completely changed how the shooting worked at the 11th hour and so required a change in controls, tired I didn't choose the best input.  After playing other games I think there's better combination of buttons to use.

PSX style looks really cool.

Don't know what the objective is though, or what to do.

Terrible sprites in a box map, occasionally some "dialog" pops up on screen then leaves.  I think the worst part is, as soon as you move everything become blurry.

All I had was some ugly UI saying "Theres no story yet" and a button with next day...

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I was surprised to see it need acess to my mic, really interesting mechanic to move the player with the mic, although did get a bit tiring after a while.  

I really like the art style too.

Really cool and unique  good job.

Cool concept, maybe more stuff could have been added gameplay wise.  I found it easy to avoid the monsters so never needed medkits but catching the fish was challenging. Also some sort of feed back on the UI as i didn't know how to navigate the menu or go back.

Error .pck

Yeah started to realise that already, unfortunately I don't have the Gamemaker license.

Really like the story, and the core game play, however it needs more.  Graphics need a face lift and needs more player feed back for when i interact with things.  Other than that though I enjoyed it.

Looks super polished and well made however I had no idea what I was doing even after multiple attempts, took me a few goes to realise what buttons to press for the QTAs , felt like information overload.  

I like the style of the game however I think the speed ramps up too quick.

 A fun little game

A strange game that I finished...

Very strange, finished it though

Overall i think it's a good game, however when i failed a jump for the 10th time, hitting space over and over just to get back to where I failed became a bit tedious.  

A very unique take on the theme, I enjoyed it but was unsure as to what the goal was.  Also had no sound.  Very solid game.

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Thank you for your comment.

I'm not sure to be honest, was for a game jam so a little burnt out with it.  If i did it would be polish and adding a few thinks I ran out of time to add.

Really liked this one, liked the pixel art and the addictive nature of the gameplay.

If I was to improve it I would add a little coyote time and maybe  some collectable of some sort.

Really good game.

Very impressive you were able to make an FPS for a Jam.

However, when clicking mouse in it wouldn't shoot, I then realised I had to hold it for a few moment for it to fire with a recoil that was too much.  Also there was no health bar or any feedback when the enemy we're doing damage, so was surprised when I kept being sent back to the start.

First of all I was rubbish at it, didn't get very far.

However I can see a huge amount of effort was put into this, very Papers Please inspired (spotted the logo on the monitor).  If i was to give it one criticism it would be I got overwhelmed fast,  could do with a more gradual difficulty curve maybe.

Great job, well done.

I'm rubbish at these types of games but I appreciate the effort put into developing it.

Good base of a game, just was confused as to what the goal was, was it collecting as many blocks on my platform as possible or going as far as possible.

A good starting base, just wish there was a bit more variation in the game play, (enemies, obstacles etc). 

A decent small game, I like most of it.

However, I just wish there was some enemies or obstacles to avoid as there is no real challenge.  It would make a really good mobile game too.

Fun game, player movement felt right, i was surprised when it went from simple platformer to flying, good twist.  Also I like the background parallax  art however I wish more was done with foreground art.  Also some collectables of some sort would have been nice.

Really good job though.

Really sweet interpretation of the theme, good job.

Took a few goes for me to get used to the controls and how the sheep move relative to player, but after that i really enjoyed it, could be a really good game with more polish and levels :D

a coll fun small game, enjoyed it

Really like the UI camera overlay and sound FX.

However gameplay could have been improved, all you do is avoid looking at one enemy and directly look ant another then just keep walking endlessly.  some more stuff or enemies variation would have been a good improvement.