hey!! the theme is revealed and it鈥檚 in the page rn. it鈥檚 space science fiction
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Cute game!!! I did run into some kinda bug where I got negative fish though, and kept eating negative fish for a bit. It didn't last forever so I spent the rest of my time surviving on coconuts.
I think the game could've been improved a lot by making the days shorter. I got pretty bored because there wasn't much to see and do after awhile; I ended up pulling up youtube cuz i am not quitter and wanted to see the ending. I was a bit dissapointed there wasn't one, but for a two-day jam, I understand.
really nice game with great graphics and art, I love the way that the character bounces it looks so fun and natural. And the particles are amazing too. I think that the visuals are strongest element in this game, but I found that movement was tough. It was hard to get on top of the boxes because the jump was strangely set as Z (very random thing for jump to be?) so it was foreign to me. I think a smaller box height would've helped :)