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Nicolas Ballas

A member registered Feb 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice entry ! i like visuals but I did not get any sound while testing and babies indicators are a bit small.

Unfortunatly, all menu buttons quit the game.

I like the graphics of enemies, awever it is hard to dodge bullets and i did not see why i should dodge them because running down and taking heals is enough to survive. In my opinion, it miss a goal in the game, an appropriate way to render bullets paterns in a FPS and a use for the weapon. It is a good start for a game that require more work, I know it is hard in 10 days. Good luck for the next steps !

Very nice game !
I love the gameplay with the shield box that can be destroyed, the music is cool and your menu is awesome ! The only one negative point is the difficulty, auto target turrets are very efficient and it is hard to calculate a patern to succeed.
I did not reach the "i'm sorry" level and i tried some following levels but when i died, i came back to the "i'm sorry" level, it is not a major issue but it is just to inform.
Crongratulations for this game, i enjoyed testing it !

Thank you ! I saw this bug while testing after the jam sorry for this but i'm glad you enjoyed it.

Nice game ! I love the idea !  The gameplay was a bit hard for me, patterns are hard to read and it go so fast but it is fun.

Nice game ! Obviously, it is incomplete but the retro designs are very nice and the gameplay feels good. It is hard to dodge bullets especially when they come form the back because we don't see them. Congratulations for this creation in a very short time !

It's a very nice game, i love graphics and gameplay ! It would be nice to have a more obvious feedback when the shield is loaded and a background music.  Congratulations for this !

Very nice game ! I love graphics and sound design. Some rooms are so hard, i did not reach the end of the game yet but did you cared about the possibility to perfect each room without being hit ?

Congrats for it !

Thank you !