The mole attack definitely needed another round of balance, think we needed to do another round of balance.
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Strong aesthetic, and I like the character controller you rolled with. Found a bug during my playthrough, if you spam K/L on the intro character dialogue the character will spin off into infinity. Disregarding that though it's a solid entry. I found the K/L bindings initially a bit alien but quickly was able to adjust to them so I think that was more a me problem than anything else. I really like the use of the theme too. Hope you enjoyed the jam and gzgz on submitting.
The assets are awesome, I love the aesthetic. The controls page could maybe be simplified down a touch, took me some trial and error to figure out the spin mechanic after reading it. Also the integration of the theme is great, gave me a good chuckle. Hope you enjoyed the jam and congrats on submitting!
Interesting adaptation of the theme into the boss fights. Constructive criticism wise, I think the shooting only being left/right reduces some of the rewarding feeling the player gets from combat. Heal functionality is good for what the game currently is. I think maybe a bit more use of verticality, and better feedback for when defending was done right would help tighten the experience. Well done on the game, hope you enjoyed the jam!
My team has a boss rush I made a while back in a different set of tooling to what we use today, we were planning to port it and polish it up since it never got finished. Would this disqualify us since we already have the design elements done? (We'd be open to leaving the source repository public as evidence of the code being authored fresh during the jam window). If it does disqualify us from prizes, are we still fine to submit just for the momentum gain of being part of a jam?