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A member registered Aug 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's the first time I've ever experienced a mechanic quite like this. It was definitely rage inducing at moments but I really enjoyed it and the kitty with the jump boot is super cute! I also really liked the music...it had a calming effect when I'd get frustrated lol

It has that same rage inducing yet addicting quality that Sunset Overdrive has for me and I love that. Really nice job!

Yes, it does help! I think I misunderstood some what it's function is so thanks for clearing that up. 

Thanks for this! I'll definitely be giving it a read.

That's an interesting bug. The thing with the browsers I mean. I used 2020 for this project but it's the first time I've ever made a browser game so I may not have done the build setting right. I'll have to make a note of it and do some digging. 

I plan to keep doing jams. It was a really eye opening experience and it definitely showed me my limits. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. Gave me a better understanding of the entire development process since as an artist I really only understood a small part. I plan to do Cozy Autumn Jam and the Asset Pack Jam next. 

Thank you so much! 

Thanks for the feedback! A friend on an older Mac also had the same issue. Quick question for anyone really...is Time.deltaTime supposed to fix frame rate issues or is there still a stress point? I'm still new to programming

Thank you!

Thanks for all of the feedback! I appreciate it. In actually I scrapped a lot about this game but I guess it wasn't enough. I have made games before but never in a jam setting with this little time...and I've never actually published any of my games up until now :) too scared

And I don't think you're being rude at all. One thing that didn't occur to me until I had submitted and THEN had my kids play was "Shrodinger's Ending" lmao I think one of my biggest takaways is that I need to make a build at the end of every day. A lot of the stuff that I found went wrong I didn't notice until after it was built and I didn't give myself nearly enough time for testing. I noticed that because a lot of it wasn't game breaking and never showed any errors during dev, that I didn't know there were issues. 

Considering I didn't even finish my first jam, and I managed to figure out what I did wrong in only a few days I'm pretty happy for making a whole game when my primary skill is 3D art. 

I probably started my game dev journey backwards but what you described sounds harder to me than what I made for some reason.

Also, you mentioned that it didn't work in a specific browser and you had to change browsers...how would I even fix that? 

Ahhh! I didn't realize you were supposed to duck the police cars lol I kept trying to jump over them :) Still a fun game! I kept wanting to beat those cars so I just kept restarting lol

This is a really cute and addicting game! I love the ducking idea. I had some trouble getting over the police cars but it made want to keep playing to get the timing right. Really nice job!

I just watched my kid play and saw I forgot so much level management stuff lmao I'm over here dying as there's no end to my level or game...womp womp 

Thank you <3 I submitted it anyway and understand if it doesn't count. It's only my second jam and wanted to submit something so I'm happy no matter what happens :)

I didn't experience any bugs, but it's not 100% clear what it is I'm supposed to be doing in the game. I love the concept though! 

Windows 10

WOOOOO! Congrats! 

I also ran into this issue yesterday and just had to cut so much stuff that it turned into a collect stuff platformer...but it's pretty haha

I also struggled the first few days. I had a few family obligations that made these last few days seem to fly by. Can't wait to see what you make <3

At least you made something for your first jam! That's AMAZING!! All i managed to do was utterly break my game and then try and figure out what I did wrong for this one lol

OMG! All these prototypes are amazing! And I've run into a huge snag at the finish line lol I can't seem to get my camera restrict to work properly and that was my NO Way Back theme mechanic (TEARS!!!) I may not be able to submit for the jam but will still upload it to my itch page. I worked in the limitation though and I'm super proud of it :) but i can't seem to get the camera and screen bounds to restrict my player movement now....womp womp...sigh

At least it looks good lol

Thanks! I am still working on the player's movement. Making it smoother because it feels like it's dragging a bit but I haven't figured it out yet. I don't think this will be the final camera angle either and I think that has something to do with it feeling off also

The depth perception idea is noted! It's a good idea :)

That's awesome! I haven't even thought about music or a player character yet. I'm off to try and model my player now. I've never done rigging or animation so this should be super interesting haha

I just finished my prototype build and already found some bugs lol It's on my itch page if you wanna check it out https://necromeowstudios.itch.io/whisker-jam-prototype-v01

I can't wait to see what you make!! 

How is everyone doing with their games?

I had a rough start and wasn’t able to get programming until yesterday (unexpected family obligations) but I’m making good progress I think. 

Trying to figure out how to use the limitation now😸

I’m almost done with my prototype. Should be ready to playtest in a few hours 🤞🏽Not looking forward to modeling my player lol I’m definitely not a character artist 😩😅 

Thanks 😸 good luck to you too! Any ideas yet?

No worries 😸 just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it and thanks! I have an idea I’ve been struggling with for weeks and recently worked out the programming for so I’m excited to try it for this jam 

Thanks 😊 Good luck to you too!

I'm so excited for this theme! Hi! I'm super new to jams and had a rough time with Brackeys this week and didn't get to finish. This is my second game jam and am really looking forward to it. Is there a Discord?