Love the new DURF version, but sadly, it doesn't have that kick-ass cover the previous one had... :(
I might mix-and-match when I print ;)
I love this little card so much (via Tiny Library!), and it's one of the first things I show folks from my shelf'o'stuff when trying to explain what all these zines and print-outs I collect are about... :D:D:D
Question about "Encounter" rolls:
For "Hall", what do you mean by "combine them"?
I think the main concern for at-home printers would be “less full-page solid black backgrounds”. I wouldn’t necessarily change anything else like headers and tables.
But on the other hand, I have printed stuff with solid black backgrounds, and even though my ink cartridges hate me for it, DAMN does it come out looking delicious… 😂😭
I guess “low ink without sacrificing your design vision too much”?
As for spreads, there are 2 kinds, right?: true spreads that make your design intent shine as intended when viewed on screen (but which can also be achieved by turning on “facing pages” in your reader), and “booklet” printing spreads for saddle stitching, which are super helpful for at-home printers.
(I’ve personally invested in an app called “booklet creator” which transforms PDFs to duplex-ready spreads)
I’ve done a lot of thinking about this as well, for when I finally put up my own booklet, and I think the conclusion is: can’t hurt to have more formats, as long as generating them isn’t a time-sink per update…
I play this with my kids (7-y/o girl and 9-y/o boy), DM'ing the story, adding flavor to the descriptions and actions, and we all get so excited! They add flourishes to their moves, or narrate exactly how a certain move connected or missed, etc...
My son even came up with an animagus character that could only use certain powers when he was in a certain form (dragon or human), and the transformation itself was a trait, so had to be used wisely. He sadly lost that one during the boss battle, but enjoyed every bit of it!
We loved the adventures that start off by giving you random or chosen items, or the ones that force you to drop one item... In the pirate adventure, we named each member of our crew before they met their untimely end...
I own all 3 volumes and keep recommending them to all my friends 😜
I drew a template that we photocopy, and they love drawing all their gear and the treasure they pick up on the way.
Thank you so much for these moments...
Man, I'm noticing SO many awesome improvements...! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
A "levels" node would be sweet, so that the output of "lighting" could be made to span the whole black-to-white spectrum, leading to less cramped use of "colorizer".
Or instead of "levels", just a simple input/ouptut to strech the image's min/max to black/white?
AWESOME program!!!
Some quick feedback: