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A member registered Aug 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Love it. Im really impressed with of fast you learned the game engine, and on top of that, manage to implement what you had in mind. 

I think there is a bug though. When you clear a ball, and it spawns to the right and falls down, (for me, this happened alot and i got screenshot proof on your discord) the balls stack on top of each other pixel-perfect and wont topple over. If you work more on the game after the jam maybe the balls could randomly spawn on the x-axis to make sure this doesnt happen :D

7 most difficult indeed. Others went rather smootly! Good puzzles!

Would be nice to have the end room ( the goal ) to have a different color just like the beginning, or maybe a staircase up/down to next floor

Played a few times and it pretty fun! Great potential. I think i found two bugs. 1: The last room i put down only connected to previous room, not the next already built room. 2: I got a hp pot before i started fighting a monster and it hit me but my hp didnt go down, then it hit again and it did go down. He didnt miss or anything, im sure. Maybe the players HP have no max hp and the texture bar for the hp does have a max value? idk.

Still gj!

Now after playing some more i still cant beat the level 35-40. Usually these type of games the enemies move around and shoot at the player, so not as many enemies needed. But since all your enemies are suicidal you make it even by adding more enemies. Eventually, where i always die, no matter what upgrades i choose i get overrun. There simply is way too many enemies!

How i usually have to play towards the end is hiding in either top or bottom of the screen cause yea too many enemies to even try flying around the given area.

Increasing the amount of hp on enemies is really acceptable. But also increasing the amount of enemies with the amount you do, it doesnt work. Either more enemies or more hp. Its like the amount of hp you increase times 3.

Can i ask if you have finished the game?

Came from youtube!

I played the game now for like 10 tries? Its very engaging and fun and the music fits the game. To me it feels like its my fault im dying, not the game's fault. But i always die between wave 35-40. Maybe firepower and firespeed isnt the only way to build! I do put some movement speed, regen and a little hp ofc but i just get overwhelmed at 35-40.

It would be fun if you included the classic item acquirement to change the weapons i'm using which would sometimes drop when an enemy is killed. Maybe it would get too easy to shoot more than 1 shot at a time.

And maybe give the player one oh-shit-weapon that kills everything.

Much potential. Will follow! 

i played like 5 hours straight and was thinking, this game is pretty good. It must have some save! i refreshed the page and it didnt :( Atleast while using Brave

how come you increase the speed each try. You are trying to trick me into thinking im getting better? hehe

it was fun! Keep working on i

Hello. In my game im going to have a highscore list and user accounts. But i dont want players to register in any way.
I need the username of the logged in account on When the HTML5 game launches on itch, it takes the username of the player and checks if there is an account with that username. If not, the game will create one, otherwise fetch data from a server with that username. 
I've seen another post from a couple years ago that said something about
and it surely does give me an username.(if i click the link myself). Is it possible with the Godot engine to access this and collect the user data for when a player launches the game?

Thanks for playing!! Can you be more specific on how i can reproduce the bug you found? I restarted my lvls 500 times by now and i havent seen this bug.

whats up with these? I dont search for them nor have any interest in them. Even with my search-history on itch the main page when i enter itch is filled with horror games.

The pictures are incorrect. The ones i wanted to use are on main page. 

Also forgot to mention that i made adjustements to character jumps as a whole and i made the player smaller than previous version.

ideas are flowing through my head when i see this. Specifically Real-Time-Strategy games

Thanks for the great post! I'll try answer all sections!

The chosen keys to move around is temporary. I would want to give the option to rebind keys to the player. Even play with  a controller at some point.

The fall from sliding a wall is something that just is right now(not intended). Im not sure what to do about it really. Jumping from a wall is intended that the player loose control. But it doesnt work the way i want it to yet. What i dont want is for the player to walljump back to the same wall and grab the wall on higher point than previous walljump.

the pit you fell into is just a few tiles i forgot to place down. its fixed already.

Right now the slide is just a time saver really. Since your final score is reduced by 10% of the time spent on the run. But im doing some changes to the slide and changing some maps so its actually useful in more ways. But right now its only useful to save time, since more time = less final score. Maybe instead of a roll its just a dash that can be used mid-air. idk yet.

I also want to have different jump heights, just havent figured out  a good way of doing it yet. It might be very easy lol but ye. Its coming. Holding jump will take you to a max height, but releasing the jump before the max will make you go down again.

Thanks for the post and for testing the game! <3 

Cheers and thank you! Without you this prototype would be much harder to make. You help the community!

thanks! I appreciate the comment !

This game is great fun! May i ask how you save the world record data? What kind of database do you use?

(1 edit)

Here is a demo of the game where i use your character.

This link may be inactive at some point.

Im using this cool guy in an endless runner. Its for a free webgame ill put on itch. is that cool with u?

Haha this game is epic. I was so confused at first when the map changed,then it changed again.Then i was back to first one. And finding the password in my bag was hilarious, did not expect that at all!

the game doesnt start for me :( Im using the Brave browser

thats great! But what i meant was the record for your first time you got level 10. You can see this if you click the "paper" below upgrades :)

(1 edit)

Hello all! I see many people have played the game, way more that I ever could have hoped for! And this is only the third day of release! Thank all of you!

I managed to get my level 10 record as I'm making this post.
(7 minutes and 35 seconds) 
I also managed to get 25% total gem bonus from objectives. It really does help a lot!

Could anyone do it faster than me?
Respond to this post with your level 10 record in that case!


You are correct. I developed the game to be on android phones, hence the two clickable droplets perfect placed for two thumbs when holding you phone. But then because its a non-commercial game and I wish more players could play i made it work for windows/web aswell :) 

It actually does fill, but you also loose combo at the same time so you have to be quick with your fingers. Its also very important to do it correctly and release the key before pressing the next one. With DNA you can make it fill faster and also make it so you loose the combo slower. The higher combo you have the faster you loose combo aswell. Thats why DNA upgrades in the ascension are so important if you wish to go for combo.

I made it like this on purpose so you dont get 3x or 4x early game but with one upgrade or two you will get to 3x without any real problem. Late game would be more suitable for 4x.

It's nice and something to maybe worth continue development on! Idk if intended but some of the monsters size is blocking the buttons when i try to upgrade attack or auto clicker

Thank you for the kind words! Ill keep your feedback in mind for my next games!

Sorry but the game doesnt load for me. Its all black. Maybe its my browser? Im using Brave.

Hello all and welcome to my first idle/clicker game ever!

Short about the game: Start of as a small seed, ready to grow into the biggest possible tree you can! 

More about the game:
The resources you will need is water, and a lot of it! For each level you will also get some DNA which can be spent on permanent upgrades. Why do I need to say permanent upgrades? Well, as in any clicker/idle game there is this "Ascension" mechanic that let you restart the game from SCRATCH! Well, almost atleast. You will never loose the permanent upgrades! Hence the word .. permanent.

I have tried to make all upgrades very good and desirable and they will all help you in the long run! As in any idle/clicker game you should be ready to "ascend" plenty of times to reach the final stage of the tree at level 50.

Not only can you get permanent upgrades with ascending, but also you can work towards Objectives. Each objective level when completed will give you gems. Don't worry! These are not for any in-game shops and the game is totally free to play because its a practice project for me to get better in making idle games. Each gem will permanently increase the rate of which you can collect water.

Important to know: There is no point in going higher than level 50 since thats where i'd say you have finished the game. But if you wish to get larger and larger it is very possible to go higher than level 50.

Where can I find this game? ->

Hello all! If you play on the browser "Brave" please read this link. Its the second respond to this post. I have not tried if this works but its all i have.

16 gems! Feels like it cant be much higher with the delay between jumps. Gj! enjoyed the game!


I'm a student studying Imbedded Systems and computer science and I recently just had my first baby boy this June!
During summers and winters when school no longer is open I always have a spare job, including this summer, and now with a kid I don't have much time for game development. Although I managed to create something in my spare spare time. Still a prototype (but its playable!)

Game in current state:
You and your enemy will have to answer a bunch of questions, 5 at a time, and then depending if you are correct or not, you will attack your foe! If you and your enemy survives more rounds with questions will come.

What do I want with this post?
I need feedback on gameplay and maybe even some suggestions in which kind of questions that could be added!
If you play I think what kind of 'random' questions I'
m going for. Critique is also welcome! More information in the link!

this is amazing. If i could make stuff like this myself i would abandon my life and go all out pixelartist with this style

Finally the wizard! time to update my project! :) Im gonna have u play it eventually on a friday! :D


Lets see what I can do with these! Im excited!

I did the same tutorial game from youtube! good job.

Would be nice to know how many coins you need to collect and how many you have left. And a win screen when you collected all coins.

Hope you make more games!