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A member registered May 30, 2020

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If you cannot get Minami to show up try cleaning the attic. I could not get her to appear until I did this.

Perfect! Thanks for the clarification. This just makes me more interested in the game as it allows for such a dynamic range of choices :) 

So to clarify... if I play the MC as a dominant, but his sister as a submissive, how will that effect the outcome? They cancel each other out?

Great game so far and I am enjoying the player agency that seems to be afforded. The only problem I had was that there is nothing to indicate whether or not the choices made when playing as your sister affects the personality of the MC. I would like to play the MC one way, but the sister another, and so I have been doing so, though I am not sure if that is going to work.

I joined the discord. However you need to allow people to upload screenshots so that they can report errors. As of right now it will not let me do so.

When you have something setup let us know. I would be happy to send you a list of all the mistakes that I encountered along my journey through the game. However, as a side note, the game is pretty good so far. I am looking forward to seeing how you flesh out the rest of the game, but I am intrigued by the story and game play.

There is something incredibly ironic about a story, in which the main character is a writer, with so many grammatical and spelling mistakes. If you have a location in which to send feedback I am sure that the community would be happy to help you in this area as they come across these things while playing.

Any place that we can leave feedback? I have been truly enjoying the game so far but there are a number of problems with grammar, spelling and missing words. I have been taking screen shots as I play in case you had a place to submit such reports.

This wasn't a bad game by any means, and while there are aspects that could have been better, I believe that with time and polish this could be a much beloved game in the community. However, I will point out a few issues that I found....


1) Regardless of how you play the game there only two paths that it lets you go down. If I selected options that give me only affection I get one path, if I select options that give me only fear I get the other path. However, selecting options that give you an equal amount affection and fear, still only gives you the total fear result.

2) After you get to repeatable scenes with Yukina (following the total douche bag route), if you select blowjob, cumming both inside her mouth and outside her mouth results in an error page.

3) After the last interaction with Satomi, returning to her house and selecting reviewing lesson, will bring up the options as if you had selected talk.

4) If you do not go to the cafe in the evening to spy on Reiko, but you do go to the club on Friday, the scene still plays out as if you had gone to the cafe first. You are able to save and interact with Reiko, but the quest log is not updated. Meaning you could make this scene repeatable simply by not going to the cafe. 

5) Definitely could use a proof reader for the English version. There are a number of spelling and grammatical errors, as well as problems with sentence structure and word choice.

The settings for in game sounds and text speeds do not work.

You should really put some where in the information section that this is a Femdom game. It will save people who are not interested in such a title the time of downloading it, as well as identify it for people who are looking for that type of title.

I had high hopes for this game but sadly they were severely misplaced. The game has no real options. The male protagonist can either be a pansy or an absolute and complete pansy. He has no ability to be anything other than a joke. The woman on the other hand is either a complete and total slut, or just a forced slut with no free will of her own. Nothing but disappointment at every turn and every choice.

OK so after playing the game for a significant amount of time I have to give some honest feedback here.

1) At times the English is quite broken, with words used incorrectly, plurals where there should be singulars and missing words proliferating the narrative. This is hard to get past when the majority of the story is mainly narrative with little interactions for long stretches. If you posted a location for feedback I am sure there would be many willing to offer you suggestions as to where the grammar and spelling could be improved.

2) The MC is incongruous at times, and the choices you make seem to have no effect on his personality. He goes from a spineless, weak willed lackey to an assertive and confident man and back far to quickly, despite whether or not you choose options that feel more assertive and dominating. It's hard to reconcile the character portrayed to us when we choose aggressive options, only to have him go back to being so pathetically submissive.

3) Back to a point I made earlier, some of the stretches between interactive decisions are far too long. There is something to be said for a great narrative, but players need to have a feeling that they are contributing to that narrative, and often we don't get that. Not to mention that even when we do, it seems to have very little if any impact on the story line.

4) The sudden disappearance of Kate and Jane, to have them so criminally overlooked, is rather strange. You have a moment with Kate and then poof she is gone for a very very very long time. Jane you never get the option to take advantage of her teasing when you first meet her, despite the fact that it would make a great opportunity for player interaction, which is frustrating as it takes away any and all agency you have as a player. Movies can get away with such things, games really can't.

I would not want to discourage anyone from giving the game a chance, as they may find that they like it, and are comfortable with the way the story progresses. However, I personally feel the lack of choice and player agency takes away from what could be a very good game indeed. The lack of true interaction or effect on the story is just hard to cope with and I ended up unable to finish playing because of that.

It depends on the choices that you make, but I have not yet seen a full sex scene. There are a couple of blowjob scenes that you can get, as well as a butt job scene though.

It's very hard to get into this game.. By the time you arrive on the yacht there are more than 25 grammar issues, from missing words to improperly used ones. If you are still actively developing this game, I would suggest getting a copy editor, as the graphics are amazing and the story is good. It's just hard to keep immersed when there are so many issues with the characters "speech"

Dante.. I know the game is a work in progress and I am enjoying it quite a bit so far. However, I have noticed a couple of issues, missing words in text and that kind of thing. Do you have a feedback location where we can send those to you as we find them?

The lack of player agency is quite frustrating. I am all for wanting to tell a story, but taking all agency away from the player, and making the MC what you want it to be, not how the player envisions it, is quite frustrating. I really don't care to be the love sick puppy dog tagging on the heels of the princess pining like some emotionally stunted teenager with no ability to separate love from lust. I want to take the fairy up on her offer, I want to use Molly as I see fit and as she is willing to allow and I want to actually have a part in the way the story progresses.

I am pretty picky when it comes to VNs. They have to have a plot, interesting characters and some semblance of a story to get interested in them. So I am pleasantly surprised by Lexi. While there are some rather cliche scenarios, the overall feel of the game is spot on for what a great VN should be. I truly enjoyed my time with it, and I look forward to future updates. 

What happened to the skip button as of the Chapter 6 release? It was a great feature for replaying and making different choices.

Have to say that while the story was deep and involved, something rare to find in most games of this type, the single choice prompts just threw off the whole flow of the game for me. What is the point of having the player press a prompt that has no effect on the story at all? It doesn't make them feel any more a part of the game. In fact it does the opposite pulling them out of the experience for a needless mouse click.

I am going to echo this sentiment to an extent. I was not prepared for this game at all. It was compelling, moving and intimate in more ways than just the sexual aspect of it. Great work. It was a pleasure to play chapter 1 and I look forward to seeing what chapter 2 has in store.

6 AP is enough to get Rachel to level 7. You have to use the headmaster only punishment when in the lap position.

I had this same problem yesterday. If you had a normal car, not the sports car, she drops it by the house early afternoon if you are home. However, it then only clears the studio aspect of the event and not the call aspect. If you have the sports car she calls and invites you to the studio for a little sexy time, and that clears both aspects of the event.

I called Kylie right after work one evening, while standing in the city center, and it fired the event as if I was home in bed. It was about 18:00 when I did it.

(1 edit)

Meeting Morgan's ex happened in the pub for me. It was just me and Morgan there initially. Kleio showed up as the event fired off.

Something will happen felt a bit random for me. It kicked off with Kleio calling me on the phone and inviting me out. 

There are a couple of events that say see Aletta while working. I remember them all being automatically triggered events just for going to work and saying work. Some take a bit of time before firing though.

I am having an issue where Kleio has returned my car to me. However, the log continues to tell me to wait for her to call about the car. Which is problematic as it also seems to be preventing me from going on a beach date.