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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you ! I take note about that ! :)

Thank you ! I'm happy that you liked my twist idea of this classic genre ! I'll try to improve this version later on, fixing the bug that you found (thanks for this feedback by the way !). And.. increase the pityful number of waves xD.

A sweet platformer with a cosy-game vibe !
Hope you'll try to make other seasons and with this solid fonctionnal base you can try to iterate your Level Design ! I really enjoy the main character sprite, it's cute :)
I miss a chill music (lo-fi like "Aruarian dance by Nujabes style for example).
GG on finish your first Game-Jam ! You can be proud of you 👏

Have a nice dev !

It's a great game that I've enjoyed playing again (I died at wave 11). Always a pleasure to play Tower Defense, well done to you both! 

I like the plant heads, they're cute and funny at the same time. The variety between the opposing plants and our own is great!

TIPs are a good thing.

Having the calm sound of nature between two rounds is an idea worth keeping, it allows you to clear the air between two rounds where you hear a lot of gunfire, but then there's a lack of background music during the rounds!

I've often had the same upgrade 2 times out of the three offered, which is a shame because you have enough variety to offer 3 different ones! 

I didn't quite manage to differentiate between the mechanics of the cactus and the carrot, so maybe there's an accessible place that explains their speciality (or a tutorial if you want to polish it up).

At one point, all my gunflowers disappeared, and it was really hard to get back up after that!

My meta is: Gunflowers at the back + Box hedges at the front in staggered rows to prevent the whip flowers from hitting all my Box hedges + bees upgrade + Box hedges cost decrease upgrade (wave 11). Still, I find that early sunflowers aren't very profitable, while box hedges are banger! I tried to use carrots and cactus, but found them too weak in early.

Maybe with upgrades it's cool (that's what I get from looking at what some people have played).

And I've seen a minor bug: when you click on one of the plant choices at the top of the screen, just before the round ends or just before you die, the mouse icon remains with the image of the plant you've just selected. I thought it was a cool bug, and a cute cactus icon!

By the way, it's a very nice game that could perhaps do with a little more readability in general (the terrain lines are a little blurred, for example). 

Well done again!

Have a nice dev !

Thank you dude ! I'm delighted, especially as you've also made a tower defense! I'll try to improve the recipe when I find some time!

Hey there ! I really liked to tryhard your game haha ! Did you really make everything (including music) ? If it is, that sounds pretty awesome ! 

Really good mood, I like that kind of game (like The end is Nigh). As others, I think your game is well executed, nice music and art ! And I loved the good frustration and the improvement curve. Otherwise, I think that deadly fire start too fast, giving player to see the beginning of the level and waiting his input before launch the deadly fire may be less frustrating (bad frustration here). The movement is tricky, first of all I thought that was too slippery but after few tries I took it ! So GG for betting on this challenging movement feel, it finally works well ! When I tried again and again, I saw that when you die, the removing stems follows the initial cooldown, instead of resetting, that may be a problem in a specific situation.

Have a nice dev ! 

Hi ! I truly understand this feeling lol, I probably messed up with only putting 7 waves lol !
Thanks for playing my game ! :)

(2 edits)

Hi ! Same problem ! The theme is "plants" I guess (I saw the strawpoll and plants had more votes).

Hi ! I don't find the dl link, is it normal ? It looks pretty ! :)

Hello ! Thank you for trying our game !

We are sorry that you encountered a buggy rock ! We'll check more and more if bugs are already existing, in this game and others.

Currently, this project is different but it's pending. We want to improve Chasm Not Fixed and maybe change 2D graphics to 3D certainly low poly and add some mechanics !

Thanks for your feedback ! 

We're happy that this prototype gave you a good experience although the difficulty of controls.

We working for debug some parts now and we'll implement more details soon ! An update is coming soon !

Thanks a lot ! Yeah we're french so we have AZERTY keyboard and I literally forgot to change actions key ! I think "arrow keyboard keys"  are the solution ! 

You're right, it miss clear objective in this prototype, because I rushed that to send the game (oops..) but we had already imagine this, we need few more days to put inventory and more interaction object and the complete level design !

We planned to continue this prototype at least to make it more polished and ironically fixed (maybe migrate to 3D design because I thought throughout the creation process that the 2D design isn't adapted for this project ).

Thanks to you ! :)