thanks so much for playing! Yeah it might be a bit hard especially when one is not used to the genre. But thanks for even trying so many times! Glad you still had some fun :D
Nico Dug
Creator of
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I loved the puzzle mechanic! This game was acutally really fun! I was a bit confused at first what I had to do at the final boss tho. As soon as I got the red box all the other boxes despawned and I was trapped in there. So sadly I could not beat the game. A Bug I noticed is, that you can drop boxes inside of walls and it will displace them far away.
Really fun game concept and creative theme implementation
Really cool art! The controls took me a bit to get used to. At first I thought I have to drive into the zombies (but that's on me for not reading the game page before playing lmao) but after I understood that I had to drift to kill the zombies the game got really fun! Really nice idea and fun mechanic!
I like the animations, simple but work really well! I agree with what have been said before in the comments, that some things were hard to react to sometimes. I like the crashing into enemies to attack them mechanic, it is really fun! The art and the animation on the title screen are also really nice!