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A member registered Jun 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm very humbled, thank you!

I totally agree - I'm glad you appreciated the sound design, I was aiming to have it distract from what is inarguably simple (albeit challenging, probably unfairly so) gameplay.

My biggest fear was not making the pixel art up to snuff before the deadline - downscoping saved my day!

Again, thanks!

I'm very humbled you checked it out - thank you! :)

Haha, thank you! He also stays impossibly calm, which is very admirable.

There are a lot of things that could make the game a lot less stale, but it feels great to have the polish I managed to squeeze in be noticed.

As for the source code, it's anything but polished :) But hey, better a messy submission than a half-finished dead repo!

(1 edit)

Thanks a bunch! I agree the difficulty needs some tuning, but I ran out of time way before I imagined, which is always the case with me and game jams!

Rest assured it's doable, and there is a short game ending sequence!


A battery system was something I was planning on initially. Picking up batteries would stop you dead in your tracks, forcing you to enter a generated WASD combination (theme!) to actually insert the battery and be on your way.  

Due to my daytime job taking up more energy than anticipated, I had to downscope however. The (overly) subtle theme interpretation that currently is in place, was very much an afterthought, but hey, it sorta works at least!

Thanks, and likewise! :)
Yeah, there's very little direction - but exactly as you mentioned, it's just about surviving for as long as possible right now. I had to downscope pretty severely, which seems to be the usual curse of the game jam debutant, haha :D

As soon as the jam is concluded, I have some very much less arcade-y plans for this!

What a nice entry! There's some genuine gameplay here, and I like the aesthetics.

Very impressed given the timeframe!

Fun progression, something I never got around to in my submission - very well done! :)

This gave me a good chuckle, and I will definitely have to take a look the Deepgram API after this. Cool stuff and great job! :)