I decided that I would switch over to Butler. First, I tried just pushing a build. It said it succeeded, but butler status
always said No channel
, so I decided to come back a few hours. I came back, and there was still nothing.
Next, I decided to just delete the games from my page entirely. Then I tried again. Still absolutely nothing.
Is Butler down? So for now, just have my game page with nothing lol. What’s going on?
My game page: https://esotericpig.itch.io/ekoscape
$ butler push EkoScape-windows-x64 esotericpig/ekoscape:windows-x64
• For channel `windows-x64`: pushing first build
• Pushing 19.38 MiB (64 files, 12 dirs, 0 symlinks)
✓ Added 19.38 MiB fresh data
✓ 17.81 MiB patch (8.11% savings)
• Build is now processing, should be up in a bit.
Use the `butler status esotericpig/ekoscape:windows-x64` for more information.
$ butler status esotericpig/ekoscape:windows-x64
No channel windows-x64 found for esotericpig/ekoscape
This is the exact same result I get for my Linux and macOS builds.
Then hours later, I check the status, still no channel. Then I check the page, and still no uploads.