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A member registered Nov 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the trouble that happend :) this is my first time making a 3d game. Thanks for playing and the feedback. Hope you enjoy our game :)

thank you so much for playing our game and the feedback. I will update it when gamejam is over :)

I'm sorry for the trouble my game have and thank you for playing our game. I will fix it after the gamejam ends, the theme seems forced because we dont have much times for idea so we just randomly make this for fun and upload it :). your game its fantastic love it

yes its a very dumb bug actually, its bug because i set the apple spawn in process function not timer node xD and i forgot to change it. Thanks for playing btw hope you still enjoy it :)

What a coincidence that I'm playing your game. thank you for playing, i think its easy because of the apple storm? :)

very nice game love the isometric turn based. I think this game can be improve more like the possess mode. Nice game :D

really strange game and funny. "am i mufasa" my favorite :D

yes the apples appearing multiple times is a bug, im sorry for that :) thanks for playing our game 

nice game i love the handdrawn art you have. Congratulations for your first godot wild jam, this is my first too :)

its a bug, hope you still enjoy the game.thank you :)

the apple storm is bug :) . hope you still enjoy our game 

thank you for playing our game, love that you enjoy the game :)

thank you for playing our game, eventhough its still has a bug im sorry. hope you enjoy it and thanks for record it on youtube

makasih buat feedback nya,  ternyata ada bug yang aku baru tau kayak untuk yang bug kamera itu aku baru tau loh dan kunci juga,  setelah gamejam selesai pasti akan diperbaiki :) terima kasih dah mainin

Memang game ini masih ada bug nanti habis gamejam nya selesai baru diperbaiki. Terima kasihh dah mainin game nya :) 

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sangat absurb sekali yah wkkwkw sampai tidak tau mau berkata apa. btw senjata nya berkali kali jatuh ke lubang wkwkk ku kira awalnya gk bisa jatuh :v

lucu banget art nya mekaniknya juga keren, semoga lancar development nya :)

sekarang ganti engine ya ? menarik nich beda sama slice & dice dll

unik main game dalam game wkwkkw, jumpscare nya lumayan juga yah bikin kagett wkwkwk. cuma sampe skor 600an :) skill issue sepertinya 

gamenya kerenn cocok mekanik sama art nya pas simple mantapp. di tunggu update an game nya biar makin seru

The game will have a bad ending if the remaining time is end and you not pick up the last item. Thanks you for playing our game and record it on YouTube :)

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kalo masih gak bisa di interact soalnya itu buat lantai/puzzle selanjutnya, nanti akan di perbaiki lagi :) biar lebih gampang tau kapan harus interact dan gak 

Thanks for playing :)  but the project file is get erased because my computer is broken, maybe i will update the game "maybe" :)

Thanks for playing my game and giving a feedback :)

Thank you for comment and playing my game :)

Saran mending di bikin supaya bisa main di website itch io nya langsung aja, soalnya aku gak bisa mainin error terus di browser ku. atau sekalian dibikin jadi exe aja

ini game aslinya masih prototype dan mau aku update lagi tapi komputerku rusak jadi file nya ilang :( , btw ternyata ada orang indonesia ya

Yes it mean you completed the game, i planned to make a endless mode but the project file is get erased because my computer is broken

very fun nice work!! :)

this is so good, cant wait for full version :) nice work 

suka banget apalagi art dan musik nya nyatuh banget sama atmosphere-nya, oh iya itu lompatnya emang kayak berat gitu??, soalnya kadang kadang agak susah dibagian mau lompatnya. Semoga lancar develop gim nya :)

Mantep dah game nya walaupun cuma sebentar doang unik banget wkwkwk

Gamenya menarik agak darah tinggi sedikit wkwkkw, tapi menurutku darah yang di drop musuh terlalu sedikit nambahnya untuk player.

Suka banget sama grafik nya simpel tapi keren dan cocok sama game nya, mungkin tingkat kesulitannya diturunkan atau gak coba bikin 2 difficulty :)

Makasih udah mainin dan kasih saran, tantangan yang aku kasih di sini itu hanya yang simpel simpel, karena aku sendiri kemarin kurang ada waktu saat membuat game ini :)