Really good game i enjoyed everything especially the text, usually i skip text in some games for either being just boring or repetitive, but with this one i had fun trying to find everything and reading everything. Very important question, what was the removed reference about? and what did the creepy room look like? just curious about stuff that got removed and especially about what that reference was about
A member registered Apr 04, 2024
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The download of the game triggered my antivirus (Windows Defender) flagging it as a trojan 32 virus, after getting said alarm i interrupted the download and managed to get things in order, i had strong doubts that it was an actual virus, since the game has good following and never seen a virus complaint, so i did some research to see what caused it and apparently it might have been Ren'py having caused a false alarm and just wanted to get the word out to both let the dev know about said issue, and other users to be able to relax if something similar happened when downloading the game. anyway i hope this helps to make the game better and have less issues in the future.