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A member registered Aug 06, 2019

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amazing concept.

Dance! Dance!

Can't wait, I'd like to give this game an honest shot

Do you know how to force the program to open as 16:10 resolution?

Can't open =(

Very enjoyable ride, thank you.
I will say for next time your textbox design could use improvement. Although you use the ambiguity of who's speaking for comedic punchlines,  more often than not it's just confusing to determine who is actually speaking, or if the narrator is speaking in their own mind. It's a big roadblock to immersing oneself into the story.
Don't be afraid to give your characters a name. In the top right or top left corner, attach an extra textbook showing who is speaking.  If there isn't an attached textbook, then it's the narrator thinking in his head.
I like the story but I'd appreciate it if a writer went and did something beyond the typical smelly basement dweller nerd to use as a template for a guy striking out on a date. After all, if the girl experienced so many problems with this guy during the date, what even convinced her to agree to go on a date with him in the first place? The kind of things she was complaining about and chastising him for are things that can be easily apparent when you first meet someone, before a romantic proposal could ever come up. I'm sure there are many ways to explain this away, but the game never actually does so. As such, the entire scenario feels contrived.
In any case, this was still an enjoyable 10 minutes, I had some good laughs, art is very well done, and you should be proud of what you came up with.
P.S. Polka dots on the title screen? lol, too obvious

3:36 fries flew while having fun with this game. I liked it but maybe the level could be a bit cleaner - smaller and less labyrinth-like (or maybe more levels to invoke progression?)
Also, I didn't notice any distinction between the different condiments and how they managed to defeat enemies. Maybe reduce to 2-3 kinds of sauces and enemies are immune to one or two of them

For some reason I can't do any controls. I can click on buttons though

Amazing warioware esque game

Nice music, love the concept. I feel like this can really build off of this idea

OH so you click the buttons in the order of the number beside them. I thought you were supposed to click the button x amount of times.
With that cleared up I gave your game another go and I have to say it was the best game I've played so far this game jam (I've cleared my queue fwiw)
The theme of out of control was expressed as an emotional component of the game as opposed to something purely mechanical, and that brought out many different kinds of feelings whereas other games I've played so far have been just frustrating yet intriguing.
With everything going to **** around the player it brings out a strong sense of distress and urgency to complete the rather simple task but as fast as possible. Having to scramble to figure out the code and to decipher which code I had to actually put in, whipping the manual out and closed to press the buttons hiding underneath it was a beautifully annoying component of the gameplay.
The environment is claustrophobic and oppressive, and playing it in fullscreen really brought me into your scenario. I even felt a bit touched seeing the last message after the game ended after I saved about 3:29 minutes before it exploded?
Wish the whole thing was like the Simpsons episode and all I had to do was play eenie-meanie to save all of Springfield.

The narrator absolutely carried this idea. Kudos to your voice acting!

The narrator absolutely carried this idea. Kudos to your voice acting!

I think more explanation of the manual instructions would help a lot

Amazing artwork, fun music, would enjoy you adhered more to the theme (maybe your shots fire periodically out of your control)

Super cool game. I love how once you figure out why character is gong out of control, you can use it to your advantage

Id love to see a more polished idea with more levels!

Bum buh bum bum bum
Bum buh bum bum bum