yeah, I'm aware of this, but it still takes away from the gameplay a bit. While, yes, it makes sense that what's on the TV may not match the TV itself, you will still find that making the art consistent throughout the whole game will significantly improve the quality of the game, including the tv.
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Would suggest making the game a bit snappier, since slow bullet travel and slow shoot rates are painful to sit through. Graphics and level design was absolutely amazing. Would also suggest adding a hp system, since it can be frustrating walking around a corner and dying instantly from an alien that shoots at you
I would seriously consider giving the player a bit more instruction and direction, as well as working on the level design a lot more. I didn't know what I was supposed to do when I got into the game, which really isn't fun. The level design could also seriously be improved. You've tried to create an open-world game and it just really doesn't do much for the game, other than confuse the player.
Thank you so much for the feedback!
For the ghost randomisation, I'm afraid that having ghosts spawn at random intervals will seriously mess with the flow of the game. If a ghost is even a second off target, they'll start missing shots which will turn into more threats to the player as bullets fly around, and would just be unfair. Likewise, with the random weapons for each ghost, if a player dies to a randomised weapon, the ghost the next round might not die from it, resulting in a ghost that will just die for no reason.
However, I think a good way to combat this would be to give the player random stats and random weapons at the beginning of each round, with the weapon being constant with their ghost throughout the rest of that game. That way we still have different enemy types as well as different gameplay without messing with the syncing of the ghosts.
And with the whole "exploit-proof" comment, you really tried to exploit the game, didn't you? xD
Almost every single game so far has used the "Rewind" theme as something to help the player, like a tool at their disposal. It's great to see that your game has the rewind theme being used against the player, like its own type of enemy. I would suggest making an Enemy AI that uses this mechanic rather than having the mechanic be a very scripted sequence of events, like an all-seeing entity that's directly against the player with a similar antagonist to the one in Jonas Tyroller's "Will You Snail". I like your idea and I seriously think this could be made into a really engaging and unique platformer
It's very rare that you find a genuinely really fun top-down-shooter in a game jam, and you've made it harder on yourself by literally throwing progression out of the window, but honestly this game is amazing! I played all the levels and was only disappointed that there wasn't any more levels when I got to the end.
Felt most badass with the laser gun. Great work with this game!
The gameplay, level design, and difficulty curve are amazing! You've done an awesome job of incorporating the theme into the game, and have created a game I'd definitely play more of. I might suggest making the rewind-jumps a bit more generous when restoring the warp distance for the player, or else the game kinda feels a bit pixel-perfect. Aside from this, the game is amazing!
Well done!
I would suggest trying to incorporate the rewind mechanic a bit more into the actual gameplay. What if rewinding would put you into the same level, but will instead change the player so that they can no longer access certain paths, but other paths are opened up to them instead. Just an idea, but I would seriously like to see the rewind incorporated more into the gameplay.
Yeah, just having a butt-load of yourself on the screen is probably the most fun part of this game imo. During development, I created a script that would spawn a new ghost every 15 seconds.... and then played for like 10 minutes and had the time of my life xD
This tweet shows it all:
Yeah, we didn't want floaty gravity since it didn't really fit with the pacing we were trying to create. To compensate though, we made the jump really high and even added a double jump to make the jumps as fair as possible.
As for the difficulty, we have every intention of adding different difficulty settings so that the player can enjoy the game regardless of their skill level. We just have to wait until the rating process is finished before we can update the game, which is like 9 days from now I think
I would suggest giving the player more direction. I'm not suggesting to just tell the player what the answers are, but rather teach the player to know what to look for before throwing them into a room and telling them to look around. Aside from that, the game is quite polished and the concept could be taken much farther
We are fully aware of the crashes. The worst part is, we can't replicate it. Everyone we've asked has had it crash once, didn't look at the crash message, and couldn't replicate it to try again. We will definitely be fixing this bug... when we can finally get a look at the crash message xD
Edit: Just saw your DM. You're an actual legend!