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A member registered May 21, 2021

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thank you for making it a toggle

Following your instructions leads to a loading bar and the splash image flashes for less than a second, and then it's a blank black box.

If you're still stuck, it is possible to walk sideways off a ladder, but only at the height of a platform.

I just paused playing this to say I love the little cicada exuvia (or nymph) platform. Fun easter egg.

I reached the end of the current content as far as I can tell and the quest "Riley's Favor" isn't available, even after concluding things at the Dragon Isles. Is there a specific unlock condition to get that quest?

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     If you want people to use their own API keys, you need to include a guide to them on the main description page.* It's too new a concept to expect people to inherently know what you mean.

     Overall this is an intriguing idea. I'm making this comment after 1.4, and as of this writing, the AI script generation struggles badly with respecting the player's commands and the displayed stats. It tends to circle around the desired direction and never actually get there. 

     Meta contextually, I'm impressed you found a workable AI service that is compatible with a sexual themed game. But for your own financial security, if you haven't already you need to replace your payment method with a preloaded account, so the service cannot auto-withdraw you into a negative bank balance.

     *(I consider myself an intermediate to advanced computer user with a partial CS degree, and even I'm lost. I'm not going to click on some suspicious looking link with no explanation.)

mpreg is not just one person's thing! we're just not as vocal as fpreg fans

Please set the available platforms so that it will work with the itch installer.

Fiery Lion, would you please set values for platform? not setting those prevents the desktop installer from working.

I ended up doing this, and I can confirm that it works. Only problem it causes is that the desktop program shows 2 of each launching option. Worked by selecting the second, as I figured despite identical naming, it would be sorted that way. Have not tried to select the first one to see if both route to the newest version.

Is there a way to move the saves to the new version? I don't want to start over every update.

Thanks for the hotfix!

(1 edit)

There are quite a few bugs in the  new version (on a new save).  Running out of money gives the notification, but won't go away when clicked on and same with no money while shopping. I got a complete lockup during a date with Victoria, and keyboard shortcuts and right clicking to bring up the menu don't work. Since the menu doesn't come up, there's no option to roll back the text if you miss something, so the UI actually lost features. (There are also quite a few typos such as "ingredient" always being misspelled.) 

For a suggestion, I would really appreciate keyboard shortcuts for the jobs and gym - I simply can't move my mouse fast enough between the 2 edges of the screen for the bouncer job or planks because I'm playing at 1920 x 1080. It looks great at that resolution, but makes any sort of speed impossible. It probably is not an issue for people playing on a smartphone but I prefer my desktop. I ignore planks entirely because I can't click on both sides fast enough (I think that's how that is supposed to work - I don't actually understand it) and just spam spacebar for pushups.

On a positive note, having voice acting is great and I've been looking forward to weight gain for quite some time. Hooray for a major new milestone!

Perhaps the basics can be added to the description above? Not sure if that's against the game jam rules since it might count as adding things during the judging period.

Were you able to get past the first choice of playing the minigame or skipping to morning? Clicking inside the image doesn't seem to work. Only the first button outside the 'frame'. I did launch through the terminal using wine.