This would be perfect for checking the time while administering anesthesia AND my 2nd job in air traffic control!
Studio not-so studio
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Great use of the limitation! The rocket physics are also really fun! I also like how the ship is also your checkpoint. Although, I was able to get through the whole game just using the rocket. The rocket was fun on its own but I don’t think you intended people to do that on their first run lol. Have a nice day ^_^
I am a game programmer who has experience in haxe, lua, c++, and js. I am looking for an artist, composer, game designer (maybe), and 2nd programmer (maybe) to work on a game for the next MINI jam coming up this week. I had made many games in different engines but right now I will either use haxeflixel or a custom C++ engine I am making with allegro (I will most likely use haxeflixel though). This will probably be the first time I work in a team so also take that into account. My previous work is on my itch ( I really hope I can join a team because my art is garbage