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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Hehe I wonder how you were able to do this xD I fixed a couple of collision glitches but this one I missed lol

Thanks for the feedback! I know the jump is useless but decided to keep it for the player to be able to do some action (walking/running can become boring very fast). Much like the roll in Zelda hehe.

Nice tutorial, creative game idea and cool audio :) I think the graphics could be improved a lot just by tweaking the default unity buttons a bit more etc and maybe colorize everything into some color scale. Overall great game design and good job, congrats!

(1 edit)

I think the game has a lot of potential, but not having played a lot of RPG lately I had a really hard time figuring out the controls, even with the tutorial. There's a lot of information going on at the same time in the beginning. I would focus a bit more on the learning curve and entry, rather than complexity at this moment since the game seems to have a lot of features as it is!

Improve the first time user experience a bit and I think you will have a really good prototype! Keep up the great job!

Cool game! Love the music and the rewind FX. Also tricky puzzles which is good, makes you think :)
Since the player is the only entity that is reversing, I would make the other entities (such as blocks) have some highlights, to know that they're not affected by the rewind mechanic. Great job!

One of the few games I played to the very end! I had tons of fun, the level design is really good and you make the player feel smart. Also coherent and simple graphics! One thing I would change is the rapidness of the character controller, I would make it a bit more responsive/rapid with a higher gravity, and not as "floaty". Great job!

Hey! Fun idea with lots of potential, level design is nice, maybe graphics needs a bit more workl! I would prefer WASD controls since I'm on a 60% keyboard with very limited access to arrow keys. Keep it up!

Thanks! There's some slight camera shakes everywhere :) Oh you spotted it! It was even worse 15 min before deadline, then you could run it through altogether. I had a partial fix that went in 1 minute before deadline xD

Thanks! I agree, in hindsight I should have added a skip option and made the delay between text faster :P thanks for the feedback! 

Amazingly fun for a simple concept. You nailed the character controller (responsiveness - most important thing in platformers) and the level design was creative. The death blocks could be highlighted more and you could make use of the theme more in various ways :)

Hey man! Cool game, I enjoyed it. Really nice sound effects and game loop overall. I was thinking that some of the obstacles could be highlighted a bit more, since some of them kind of melted in with the background! Anyhow it was great, keep it up!

Hehe thanks, you should give it a shot ;) 

Thanks for the feedback man! What kind of changes would you like to see in a combat system? :)

Hey! This was really fun to play and really satisfying with the SFX of the laser! We had similar ideas for the theme! I would like to get some feedback when I hit the first boss and the other enemies, that they're taking damage. Such as flashing/switching color or a camera shake. Keep it up! 

Enjoyed it! I must say rally good take on the theme and really good game design. Only negative feedback is that the character controllers and gravity could be a bit more responsive for my taste!

It was stunning to play and really great music/atmosphere :) I reached the top! Only nitpick could be to reduce the gravity a little, it was hard to catch up when making a mistake. Great overall though :)

Hey! This game had the same inspiration as ours :D  It looks really cool and I really enjoyed how the SFX of the enemy bullets matched the beat of the funky music! Great job

Hey, this was great! Got pretty hooked, nice mechanic being able to buy the ground and air tower! 

Hey. I'm a professional developer working full time within the game industry. Looking for some cool project or team to join for this one.

Feel free to hit me up on: novalain#5535