Thanks! Hehe I wonder how you were able to do this xD I fixed a couple of collision glitches but this one I missed lol
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I think the game has a lot of potential, but not having played a lot of RPG lately I had a really hard time figuring out the controls, even with the tutorial. There's a lot of information going on at the same time in the beginning. I would focus a bit more on the learning curve and entry, rather than complexity at this moment since the game seems to have a lot of features as it is!
Improve the first time user experience a bit and I think you will have a really good prototype! Keep up the great job!
One of the few games I played to the very end! I had tons of fun, the level design is really good and you make the player feel smart. Also coherent and simple graphics! One thing I would change is the rapidness of the character controller, I would make it a bit more responsive/rapid with a higher gravity, and not as "floaty". Great job!