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Daniel Graves

A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the detailed feedback, we're planning on reworking a lot of things in its final release. I felt the worm boss was relatively balanced as there isn't that much restriction in mobility; you can move away from the worm and if he's closing in you are able to jump over him and move away. That being said hitboxes are an issue right now and I am currently working on improving them. Restarting as well I felt was generally fine as the path to the boss itself is very short and there are no enemies to worry about leading up to it.

We'll be working much more on content and picking up the pace. Thanks for the feedback once again.

Amazing 3D entry! You really nailed the low poly look and the intro illustrations + voicing seriously feels like something I could've seen as a child; I loved them. The presentation is fantastic, and I love the exploration in this. Really the only thing that was slightly awkward was the controls took a little bit to get used to since the character does not rotate that quickly where the camera is facing while moving. Maybe that's more of a personal preference lol. 

Other than that though, the premise was creative and I had a lot of fun. Great job!

Thank you so much for streaming it and providing us with so much feedback!

Oh man I wish I found that bug earlier; at that point the boss is supposed to spawn when there are no more enemies left and the music fades out, I'm guessing an enemy got stuck or possible fell out of the map and therefore softlocks it. Hopefully you still enjoyed it, it seems this has a rare chance to happen.

Haha yeah we sort of realized after submitting that the bear was a little unbalanced for new players. Still glad you seemed to enjoy it!

Keep making great games!

Thanks so much for the feedback! I realized right after we submitted that getting hit will always send a signal back as a response; it should've only triggered when the trainer asks for the "get hit" command. Still very happy you found everything else enjoyable, thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for the kind words! We're so glad we took the time to add in those little details (granted, I could've gone and fixed a bunch of other things but I was so burned out by the end haha).

The artwork and especially the game's page is brilliantly made, and the game itself was really calming and fun. I'm particularly impressed with a lot of the effects, really good work with the polish! As some people had already mentioned before, the player clipping felt a little bit awkward. But the levels were nicely designed and a lot of the later ones were definitely a challenge (or maybe I'm just bad at puzzles in general lol). Really good entry, great work!

So much fun and SO MUCH POLISH! Controls felt really smooth, and the art and audio worked so well. I never once felt frustrated and the puzzles were really well designed; I was able to complete all the levels. 

Personally this is a perfect jam entry, great job!

WOOO someone finally found that detail!

Thanks for playing and the feedback! Bushes don't have collision except in the tutorial where you're expected to use a dash to get through them, weird. Oh well, if we ever decide to come back to this I'll keep all of that in mind.

My bad, I downloaded it and got to play it after all!

You guys designed something really cool, upgrading the center turret makes it easier to kill enemies but at the same time you're making it harder for yourself. It's a really cool take on the theme and the controls were responsive and fun to use. I thought I was decent at bullet hells but I stand corrected, my highest score is 168 haha. This is extremely polished and the sfx were super juicy. Really good work!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to run this without my browser freezing up or crashing - it seems this happens a lot with games made in this engine when I'm using a mac. Sorry I couldn't leave a rating, from the screenshots and other reviews it looks super fun!

There's so much polish in this! And I love the opening cutscene. This is a really unique take on the theme and most importantly this was so fun to play. It might be helpful to have a sort of indicator (Like a ring or something) around an ingredient you're closest to before you select it; there were a few instances where I wanted lettuce or something but got cheese instead because I might've stood too close to it. 

Overall I loved this, probably one of my favourites so far!

It took me a moment to understand what I was supposed to be doing, but when I did I ended up enjoying it a lot! The game itself is simple and easy to understand, and the puzzles seem very well designed (I haven't played too many puzzlers so I can't offer more feedback lol). As John Papello said it might be helpful to have some visual indicators so I could figure out what the objective was rather than referring to the description. Very fun game, I had a lot of fun!

I loved this concept! And I'm very sure you had a lot of fun coming up with some of these posts haha. It's very simple and easy to grasp, and I really enjoyed messing with David. Really good experience, great work!

That game over screen had me laughing way more than I should've lol. Interesting spin on the theme and it felt nice to play (though my computer doesn't seem to like 3d games that much). Really good work on the artwork and I just found it fun to use the other monsters as shields.

Good work, this was fun!

Super creative take, and as others have said this was a lot more challenging than I anticipated. The artwork and animation is so well done, and great choice of audio to go along with it. I love how you accounted for instances where a column was full and the hands would automatically redirect to a different one.

It's very simple and really fun, I basically have no complaints. Great work!

Haha yeah the system isn't as accurate as I'd like it to be but hopefully it wasn't too much of a nuisance. Hiding in a tree just means you need to stand really close to a tree without doing anything else. Still really glad you found it fun, thanks for playing!

Super happy you enjoyed it so much! Cathy actually had to leave partway through the jam so there was a lot of pressure on her - I'm very grateful to her lol and I'll make sure she reads this. I definitely could've done the tutorial/intro better, but it was meant to introduce your trainer and sort of "how did I get here" haha. Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for the feedback! I tried experimenting a bit with the command times but I figured that having the commands go too often would take away a lot of the fun in controlling the character; I guess part of the goal was for you to still enjoy playing as the cat but be ready in case the trainer makes a command. Glad you still enjoyed it, thanks for playing!

Absolutely! Just gotta do it in the morning - I'll make sure to get the other team members to try it as well lol

THIS IS THE BEST THING IVE SEEN!!! You've made my day, gonna make sure the whole team sees this.

Super happy you enjoyed it and loved the designs haha.

Thanks so much for playing and the feedback! We did originally have some ideas for the trainer to be able to heal you and whatnot if you keep obeying her, but time was sort of running out and I figured the best thing to do last minute was to be a bit more generous with the healthbar lol.

Haha yeah, personally it feels good for me to play with a mouse - hopefully it wasn't too janky for you! Very happy you still seemed to have fun.

Thanks for the feedback! The last boss is scripted to pop up when you've completed all the waves, possibly one got stuck or something. Oh well, still glad you had fun!

Haha we had a bunch of ideas for dumb commands the trainer could give - unfortunately a lot of them couldn't be made in time because the way I made the command system was pretty bad lol. I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

I was skeptical about that at the beginning, but the 3 other team members all own cats and it was a 3-1 on that choice. Oh well, I still think it's cute lol.

Thanks for playing and so happy you found it unique!

That was something we did actually have planned, however by the time we had the obedience system working properly I was already extremely exhausted so we figured that it might just be better to just be more generous with the healthbar. It's a jam game anyway lol.

I hope you still had fun!

Oop, that meant the boss was about to appear - you have to defeat everything still on the arena before it makes an entrance.

Still glad you had a lot of fun!

Haha hopefully it was a more "fun" kind of annoyance, that's what we were aiming for. Sorry if it was a little infuriating! 

It used to be a lot harder actually, but especially for jam games I wanted it to be on the easier side just so more people can see the entirety of the game (like the boss at the end).

Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Don't worry, no animals were hurt in the making of the sfx lol. 

Funny thing is that's what we were going to do, but by the time I had the obedience mechanic finished I had been working 21 hours straight and was struggling to focus - in the end I figured it would just be easier to be a bit generous with the health-bar as I didn't want to make something brutally difficult.

Thanks so much for the feedback! We're definitely thinking about expanding further

Yeah we actually originally considered doing something turn based, but I determined we wouldn't have enough time to make the system fun enough without being too generic, so we settled for this. And I feel that this is more fun anyway lol.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you so much for playing! Haha the strategy according to the other team members is "make them look like marketable plushies".

Movement was an absolute delight; it felt clean and good to move the characters. I love how simple the take on the theme was but you executed it very well! Sound effects had that "crunch" to them and the music choice was fitting, as IcyPenguin said this would be so cool as a co-op game.

There was one slight issue where I accidentally tapped the space button right after the round ended and didn't see the instructions - luckily the gameplay was simple enough that I was able to figure it out quickly. 

Oh, and right when the round was about to start an error popped up and the game ended there, not sure what might have caused it.

The little things aside though, I think you have something great! The paper aesthetics fit really well and you did some really good work on this. Goodluck for the rest of the jam!

Haha, everyone on the team has a cat except me. Glad you enjoyed it and found it relaxing!

I love the title lol. 

The art, sfx and feel just seems so polished - this is a really solid puzzle game. Although the tutorial was a lot of text, I really liked the line "you'll see what I mean" and it encouraged me to figure things out on my own. I'm a little braindead when it comes to puzzles but the moment I understood how the game worked I felt like I ascended lmao.

I can't critique the puzzle designs themselves too much because I rarely play them let alone make puzzles, however they were really well thought out and required me to think on them for a bit.

This was a really solid submission! Good luck for the rest of the jam!

Thanks so much for playing! The wave spawn system was something I threw together last minute so the pacing didn't really feel right lol, completely understand how it might have been a little frustrating. I'll probably come back to this again and I'll take a lot of that into account. Super happy the visuals made it enjoyable!