Hi Malith, only found this game recently and played 2 runs as of making this comment, but its a lot of fun so far, and I'm really looking forward to keeping an eye on the game as it continues to grow. Dropping by for a crash report, I was fighting Queen of Cloth as Mouse and managed to brick the game. She was restoring HP constantly, and I think I managed to kill her while she was still regen-ing, might have been what caused it. Screencap attached. Aside from some other things like pause not stopping the game, making it hard to check stats or settings, and the controls not displaying, the game is fun so far. Hopefully I'm not beating a dead horse with this post, but I wanted to inform you just in case. Good luck with bug fixes and development!
Text copy of the crash report, in case that might be useful as well.
ERROR in action number 1
of Step Event0 for object oEnemyBossParent:
Unable to find instance for object index 106975
at gml_Script_anon@9598@___struct___22@Enemy_Boss_List_Hard@Enemy_Boss_List
gml_Script_anon@9598@___struct___22@Enemy_Boss_List_Hard@Enemy_Boss_List (line -1)