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A member registered Aug 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh Arr, Matey!

Oh, I missed a lot from my first play of the game. I didn't realize you control both characters at first. Somehow the intro skipped forward so I missed it a few times. Lol, it looks like I might be the only one who's not quite so keen on the voices although I do think it's a great way to include voices. There's some very decent polish to this game and it feels like a solid piece of artwork!

Awesome job!

Fantastic job, the cinematics are so well done. I didn't get very far, lol the down input didn't work until I clicked to  go to full screen but otherwise functionality was pretty good. I guess the dog is the best ally a Zombie could hope for? All in all, a simple, fun game! Oh and yes, this could be a great mobile game!

Totally awesome work! One of the best uses of the theme I've seen. I suck pretty bad at the game but it's got a lot of replay-ability. 

Pretty cool game, I like the setting. It's not immediately clear how the theme is followed but I guess Jim is a prisoner? (Just realized as I'm writing this that I missed the character saying the theme, sorry) With a little more focus on instructions and backstory this could go somewhere great

Cool idea for the game, although I can't see the theme there. The characters didn't respond when I talked to them but I like the retro filter

Quite a well made game for a jam, an odd combination of unlikely allies but that's the idea! It would be great to see more instruction and the menu button is quite small. And yeah, get those hitboxes a bit bigger, but otherwise pretty solid effort there, 

Well done!

Pretty cool character creator, I have no idea where the jam theme comes into it. But it's good fun playing with Synty characters like this,

Good job!

Good use of the theme, and it's well integrated into gameplay from the beginning. Despite lacking audio and maybe needing some character abilities like run or pick object up, this is a very cool idea and I hope you'll give it more attention.

Nice work!

Nice game, simple gameplay, easy to follow the concept, died a bit but had fun!

Cool turn based game. Really needs some UI and more instructions but overall it's a bit of fun. I could see this evolving into a pretty addictive game!

Nice job man! Plays really well. Although I shot the zombies before figuring out how to use them I can see what you did there... The visual feedback would help but having icons over interactables is great. It would be awesome to see more of this game.

The character controller is really nice too!

Thanks! Ai is something I need to learn more in depth - every jam I like to  choose 1 or 2 things to learn and ai was on the list this time :)

That's an awesome game, jam or not! I'll have to play this a few times!

Wow, yeah, I nearly did make it multiplayer, I still want to, I'm continuing to develop this game, it's fun and has a lot of potential. As Mitrigno suggested, waves of enemies to defeat is something I'm keen to add as well. When the jam is over I will have an updated version to play

That is so quirky! Something so different! An aim reticle and sound fx would be great additions. Despite a few minor bugs and glitches this was 'out there'. It reminds me of game demo I had back in the 90s, amybe Shellshock but I can't remember it's actual name...

It's an absolute shame you couldn't spend more time on it. From the looks of it, it would be an amazing game to play... Once again, I'm left in awe of your acumen for cinematic effect!

Totally love this one, the shader, the noir style, the background music, the simple straight forward gameplay...this is proper! I'm not sure how it fits with the them though. This game might benefit from anti-aliasing as I got a bit of page tearing. Overall though, I really would love to see this fleshed out more

Very cool idea, the creativity is awesome, the making and use of the buildings and drones was inspiring. It's a shame to not have more of it complete and the game crashed at one point. I wasn't sure how to get the drones to actually harvest and the text tips were kind of in the way. Overall though this was quite a lot of fun and reminds me why I like this type of game.

Oh, that doesn't sound good? I'm not sure why that would be happening, I can have a look into it but there's nothing in the game that should be doing that. Does that happen for both the WebGL and the download?

(1 edit)

This is fantastic, awesome work. I did get stuck on some garbage though... I could play this for hours though!

This has left a mark on me, I don't normally play games like this one, but this was fun. The fade in between battles is almost a hard cut and the story was a kind of optional extra - but I liked that!

Nice work

Excellent! Simple and fun, adding Voices was a great idea!

Totally an awesome first game jam entry, there's originality and the idea could become something really great. It'll be interesting to see what you can do with some UI too. 

Good job getting into a game jam!

This looks awesome. The controls are a bit odd with the mouse turning. The UI needs some improvement but overall works ok. It's cool seeing different packs combined this way though!

Good Job!

Ok, totally awesome! I got to level 2 and cleared the library. Didn't really see the theme there. The mouse control was a little crazy for me. The skeletons don't do a huge amount of damage and jumping if more sort of flying, lol. The level design is a major plus and effects are awesome. That's a masterpiece of a jam entry!

Thank you so much, these jams are challenging but that makes them a great way to learn things

Thanks! It's been a fun game to create, I'm very keen to see how far I can take this game!

Nicely done! Despite the theme not really being included much I did love seeing the Simple assets come to life. I haven't tried the multiplayer side of it out though.

Got to Wave 5

Thanks! There was a lot I didn't manage to get done in time, but the canon fire worked out great. Before I had the ai navigation in place, the enemies would sink, something to do with rigidbodies and colliders. I'm continuing to work on this game towards a better, more complete version once the jam is over!

This is a highly polished game, it looks great. I'm not sure about the character movement, it would take a bit of getting used to. Better description of controls would be nice too, 

Good job though, 

That's some solid gameplay right there! Pretty decent creativity too, the expression on the face was a great touch. Not sure how the game relates to the theme but I enjoyed playing this, 


This game offers something a bit different, I certainly wasn't expecting goblins. Whilst some improvements could most certainly be made, like UI, instructions and filling out the scenery further I did like to see a day/night cycle and a costume changing mechanic,

Well Done!

Looking great, despite not having much together yet. It would be cool to see this idea continued further, and to see how the theme could be included, Nice work!

Yeah, the idea was you and the pirate ship start battling it out and then the mysterious ghost ship turns up, forcing you and the pirates to band together.... However, this interpretation of the theme isn't obvious enough in the game play as I didn't get everything finished. I still want to tidy everything up because I love the project/idea


Thanks! Yeah, there's so much room for improvement!

Oh, thanks for playing and giving me some feedback. Yes, unfortunately I was not able to implement my entire design idea in time. But it has been a lot of fun anyway!

What a great game for the jam! Simple but done very well

Looks amazing, it's cool seeing the Synty community represented  in a Synty way!