I want to say thank you to the dev, and to the BASED people who saw the potential of Miranda as a beloved consort rather than a slave.
To all the people who voted Wife Miranda for Cedrik, my warmest thanks.
The girls are so nice, love so many of them. Thanks for the great game Ncrow ! Sayuri is so gosh damn cute !
But damn, with Alice constantly thinking about the MC's smell, I just wish to have MC lay down his shaft to rest on her face, letting her worship his musk for a while. 馃槫
Before going "plapplap, get pregnant." on the bunny, like a man of culture.
Thanks again for the great work author, you are doing insane work.
Great stuff !
And Yunetai going little head trample on a dogeza ? YESH PLEASE MORE.
Great Mistress, I like where you're going with it, and the animations are gorgeous.
The only thing that feels strange to me is the tattoo on the MC's chest. I can only assume it's his ex's name, but, why would the goddess allow another woman's name written on her Slave-Knight ?
Last Played - 0.8.28
So, after playing through most of the content, here's my thoughts on the game :
Gameplay :
Between chill and engaging, you can try to max out or just take your time. The penalty for leaving clients unsatisfied are not harsh, so it alleviate any stress if you don't tryhard.
You can min max your days, or you can be easy going, making it relaxing and engaging to play for me.
"Main" plot :
I think it's incredibly good. I was not expecting much coming in, but as I saw the characters being fleshed out, events happen, and getting to know them and the romances that happen were really satisfying.
Wholesome, cute, and sexy, it's really great. The way the characters are written makes the whole experience very cool.
Also, I like that the main character is not a blank slate. It builds a lot and is cool to see.
"NTR" plot :
First of all, I like NTR. I'm into it.
Thing is, the "main" plot is so wholesome and good, I can't bring myself to like it. While it is good, I just think the wholesomeness of the main harem plotline is too great for me to enjoy the other side of things.
I didn't play all of the story there, lost interest, but it was good too. Just not my cup of tea for this setting. Moving forward, I will only play the "main" plotline and ignore the NTR side.
I will be coming back to the game when you get some updates in, and pay full price for the game and support you when I get some income.
I am thankful for all your hard work on the game. It looks great, feels great, and is overall a really good surprise. 10/10
While I understand the reasoning behind it, and I can't put any blame for it on you guys, I will still relay my concerns.
I really hate the redesign for Sombra. You made me love the character you made out of her, fleshed out and made both believable and endearing.
While I perfectly understood the changes are purely in the name and appearances, I really don't like it. The name is fine, but I'm really not into the new appareance.
Despite all that, I still think you guys are putting out some incredible work, for free and everyone as a plus. I can't thank you enough for that, but as a fan and a player, I still wanted to tell you my concerns.
I know it won't change much, and I'm okay with that, but I wanted to voice myself.
Love you guys, all the courage of the world for your team.
Thank you for your answer, I appreciate it a lot.
If I may dare one little advice; you may want to update Tracer's sprite. It can be a little off-putting for new players, that may end up dropping your game. (It's an honest opinion, I really don't care for Tracer, but I can see someone losing interest over it.)
I wish you well on the future, I will keep following the progress of your game closely !
Boys, I ain't reading all that, easy on the walls of texts. But we can see you are passionnate about this game, so it's a bit sad to see so much passion being somewhat ignored.
That said, something I picked up in all you said there :
"> It should also be noted that the deluxe edition has a built-in cheat console. This might be skewing the perception of some patreon players."
So basically, the game is pay to enjoy ? Kinda sad.
So first you make me fall in love with Sombra with glorious writing and interactions.
Then you give a teasing confession/invitation that's cute, wholesome, and really sexy, into a H-scene with her absolutely perfect, between touching honesty, superb femdom, and great art ?
How dare you make this so good.
On a separate note;
To be fair, the writing of the game is really great, and could stand alone without being overwatch characters, but I understand there's more than a few reasons/decision to take the setting.
Still, great content. Thank you very much.