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A member registered Jul 13, 2019

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Christmas Game Jam plz.

Haha he got me killed during that fight too!

Super fun game! The characters were really expressive even with the limited facial features and the ingredient implementation was really good! Sleezer is a 10!

This game was a lot of fun! As someone else said the Hot Spring scene was amazing. Had some problems with the town puzzle but eventually figured it out. The duck puzzle was very hard but it was satisfying when I finally beat it! Also funny twist at the end!

(1 edit)

Very fun game! I managed to beat it after a couple of tries!

Did find a bug that made beating bosses much easier though. At least I don't think it was intended to be a feature. If you spam light attacks with one ghost and then press the swap ghost button you can get the other ghost (usually the sword ghost) to appear and keep doing light attacks automatically while you still have the first ghost out. So you have two ghosts out at the same time.