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Olly Fallows

A member registered Feb 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Have to say I love the aesthetic, especially the pilot’s sprite, I think it’s really well done. Do wish it had a pause button(or a more visible if there is one) just cause they are easy to add and improves quality of life so much. Found an additional but with the rocket launcher, it’s level would increase as I upgraded the plasma blaster.

Thank you so much for playing and the feedback, The crashing was intended early on so I could easily test dying and I forgot to remove it. A new wave starts 5 seconds after you finish the previous but I defiantly could have added some effect to indicated a wave has ended and time till the next one. There is a precision upgrade in the large room, but guess if I had time adding a map would have been a good idea and yeah I know the map is small but I didn’t have time to make it in blender so was using a prototyping tool that doesn’t scale and realised too late sadly.

Thank you so much for the feedback, I will keep all of it inmind on my next project/if I ever update this game